Thursday, July 30, 2020

Myth of 5G Network

Myth of 5g Network

By Egbon Shalom


5G networks are digital cellular networks, in which the service area covered by providers is divided into small geographical areas called cells. It’s easy to understand why wireless communications technology has become increasingly important over time: By facilitating increased access to information on the go, advances in wireless communications have facilitated improvements in business, education and technology around the world. As mobile communications improve, so too do connections among people.  

Artificial Intelligence Combined with 5G Robotics

One thing that is certain is that this type of technology may enables robotics in a different way and ‘intelligent’ robots to operate within a broader environment. We can immediately consider the extended adverse use of this for defence purposes and monitoring a population. However, on the other hand within hospitals and health technology this may enable a different working environment or follow-up by technological inventions.

Running solutions related to the field of artificial intelligence is done externally already so will you truly notice a difference? If the video, text or other expression/input is transferred to a different place — then what is the difference for users. Using machine learning techniques in 5G network to improve the utility in the radio spectrum which is allocated. Currently it seems like Self-driving autonomous vehicles, Automating or managing public transportation, Time-critical industry automation, Remote healthcare. These are all areas where hardware and software will enable changes in operations. Of course process automations are already influencing working life with data from workers being monitored as well as performance measured. However, the robots that can operate in healthcare, transport and industry will likely be enhanced by these new technologies in Internet of Things (IOT).

Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is often used to describe machines (or computers) that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem solving".

The importance of 5G technology

We often say that 5G will usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and change the economy. Because of the speeds and capacity that Verizon’s 5G network promises to bring, it has the potential to be an indispensable technology. It is estimated that by 2035, 5G “will enable $12.3 trillion of global economic output and support 22 million jobs worldwide.”

Reasons 5G is important

5G is not only important because it has the potential to support millions of devices at ultrafast speeds, but also because it has the potential to transform the lives of people around the world.  

Improving accessibility

Improvements in 5G technology can help make life better. For example, significant advances in autonomous vehicle technology are possible with 5G, creating the potential for people to have new levels of personal and professional freedom. Connected appliances can help automate tasks around the house, which can not only improve personal convenience but also help those who need assistance with everyday tasks.

Extending the reach of mobile broadband

5G can power technology well beyond what current mobile technology permits. Thanks to its speed and bandwidth, 5G promises to make significant improvements in 3D holograms, virtual reality and augmented reality, creating opportunities to connect people far beyond what current cellular technology allows.

Improving safety, health and security 

Access to 5G technology promises to improve mission-critical services that affect safety and security of services today. Opportunities include smart cities with 5G in public spaces, the potential for remote surgery, better traffic control and many other applications that depend on nearly instantaneous response time.

While many of the applications for 5G are expected to directly impact how businesses run, the implications for accessibility, the reach of mobile broadband and the improvements in society’s safety, health and security have the potential to be farther reaching. 5G technology is important for consumers as well as businesses as we move into the Fourth Industrial Revolution and explore all that 5G has to offer, including things we likely have not thought of yet.


Increased Bandwidth for All Users

For those who don’t know, the bandwidth is the amount of “space” available for people who are using data to download files, view internet pages, and watch videos. The less bandwidth that is available, the slower everyone’s devices will run. One of the advantages of this new fifth generation of wireless technology is that there will be more bandwidth on the data networks of companies such as Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint. Many people have memories of 3G technology as they watched the progress bar load their web pages. On 5G, this will be a worry of the past. This means that people won’t feel like they are fighting for data with all of the other users when they enter crowded spaces such as sports arenas and airports. With more bandwidth available, people will also be able to use this bandwidth to do more with their devices, making them more versatile than ever before.

With more people able to use this increased bandwidth, some people may worry about their speeds on a 5G network. This will be a problem of the past as people using a 5G network will be able to browse the web, download files, and even stream video at blistering speeds. While people on 3G and 4G networks may remember struggling to download files or watching videos buffer for minutes on end, this will not be a problem with 5G networks. Because of the increased bandwidth, people will be able to use more of it without crowding out other users. With more of the network dedicated to each individual smart device, smart devices will be able to run faster than ever before.


An Increased Bandwidth will mean Less Coverage

One of the key advantages of 3G cell towers was that they could cover immense territory with relatively few cells. This is because the network did not require as much bandwidth, meaning networks had to deploy fewer cells. When technology progressed to 4G networks, the cells were producing more bandwidth, meaning the coverage radius of each cell was smaller. People may have noticed that their coverage may drop more often than on their 3G network. As the 5G network gets rolled out, this trend will continue. More cell towers will be required to produce this immense bandwidth because the cells are not able to cover as much space as a 3G or 4G cell. Because more cells will need to be rolled out, 5G users should expect that their coverage may not be as widespread at first.

The Radio Frequency May Become a Problem

Radios, cell towers, and even satellites communicate using radio frequencies. Frequency is measured in Hz and the radio frequencies tend to operate in the GHz range. Early reports on the 5G network indicate that this network is going to transmit its data in the range of around 6 GHz. Unfortunately, this radio frequency range is already crowded by other signals, such as satellite links. With numerous types of signals operating in the range of 6 GHz, it is fair to wonder whether or not the overcrowding is going to pose a problem as people try to transmit their data signals at this frequency. Will there be issues sending and receiving signals? Time will tell as this network frequency starts to spread.


5G networks are expanding and they hold potential, however we should not give in to the ‘race’-mentality. Although from a security perspective it is understandable, and it is a dilemma in terms of the environmental consequences. China is ‘leading the race’ in expanding the coverage into several cities, perhaps as a way to show that they are not intimidated by the ongoing trade war. 5G may enable smaller connected devices to work better in terms of their connections. Thus perhaps the move for Google buying heavily into wearables with the purchase of FitBit is a gamble that makes sense. However, the question of AI and 5G is a question as much, or even more, of international security as it is of personal security. There is no doubt in my mind now that these solutions are being rolled out they must be closely followed-up from within the companies, by government and independent researchers.