Showing posts with label The Myth of 5g Network The Internet as a Marketing Medium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Myth of 5g Network The Internet as a Marketing Medium. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2021

How to Start a Blog In 2021 – Step-By-Step Guide


How to Start a Blog In 2021 – Step-By-Step Guide

Are you ready to make money using blog in 2021? Well, then you are at the right place. 

I hope this thoroughly researched post, on ‘How To Start A Blog In 2021-Step-By-Step Guide’ will help you enormously to launch a blog in the right way.

Being a newbie myself advising others on blogging does not suit me, I understand that.

So, you may ask me ‘How dare you to advise people? 

No, I don’t dare to advise, instead, I care to share the knowledge I acquired through my hard,  nerve-racking research, before launching my own blog. That’s the driving force behind posting this article, ‘How To Start A Blog In 2021-Step-By-Step Guide’.

My motto is – Let’s grow together by sharing our thoughts, knowledge, worries, and concerns. 

In this article, firstly, I’ll write about the ‘Ins and outs’ of blogging, and also about the loopholes you should know beforehand to avoid any loss. A huge number of people dare not buying a blog, due to a lack of capital, I’ll show a unique solution to that problem as well. 

*The solution will be in the Guide with this article, the fund will no more be a problem.  

I’ll write on how to start blogging in the right way with the smallest capital, using a ‘Paid Hosting Plan’. I’ll write about the technical details of creating a blog in the free guide. 

**The Guide will provide you with 100% unique, stunning ideas, don’t miss it out.

Initially starting a blog may seem to you, an extremely complicated, and tough job. But, once you get the ball rolling, gradually you will perceive that it is not as intimidating as it seemed at the beginning. 

You might have to face some obstacles on your way that it is natural in all aspects of life. So, do not lose hope. Just pause, think, and analyze your mistakes and rectify them.

Once you identify and eliminate your mistakes and start working with the right planning, rest assured you will be rewarded with success. 

Does blogging in 2021 need any different approach? 

The one-word answer to the question is ‘Yes’.

Shocked? Surprised?

Around the world, a lot of people are looking frantically for a trusted source of income. Earning money by working online from home is tempting more and more people.

Taking full advantage of this, the scammers are getting easy prey. They are advocating extremely alluring but fake ways of earning quick money on the Internet.

Inexperienced people who are looking for earning quick bucks are jumpstarting & investing their hard-earned money, thus incurring a heavy loss of capital and precious time. 

So, you need to execute extreme caution before starting ‘Blogging’ or any ‘Online Business’ now in 2021. Before you start earning money, you must not start losing money.

It is not wise to just go and buy any domain and web hosting plan 

Yes, of course not, as those factors will be the deciding factors of your ‘Blogging business’.

Before launching a blog, the primary steps you need to follow are:- 

Step 1 – Choosing a niche for your blog. (Niche here means the topic of discussion.) 

This is the most important step in your blogging career. Choosing the right niche will pave the path for your success. The majority of the bloggers fail in the long run because of their wrong choice of niche.

Why so? 

Say, you are very passionate about a niche. But, the rest of the world has no interest in it. It will surely be detrimental to your blogging journey. Working on this niche won’t be profitable for you.

How you should select the right niche? 

Make a list of the common niches that you are passionate about and profitable ones for affiliate marketing as well. Now, you can choose and pick one from the list, this is the right niche for you to work with.

Your passion will help you to write articles on this niche. The profitability of the niche will help you earn money in the long run from affiliate marketing.    

Examples of a few attractive and profitable niches are – Tech, Blogging, SEO, Travel, Health and Fitness, Beauty & Fashion, etc. Just make a short research on the Internet if you want to select any niche other than one from above.

Step 2 – Choosing a domain of your own preference

Choosing a domain name that reflects your niche is of course helpful. While you are buying a domain, do keep a few things in mind. They are:-

(i) Keep your domain name short and simple, so that people can remember it easily.

(ii) If your domain name gives a hint of your niche, that will work as a blessing for you.

I have chosen and bought the domain, with a purpose. It is simple, and it also indicates that I want to write about ‘Blogging’ and about something more.

As my aim is to write about ‘Blogging’, ‘Making Money Online’, and ‘Affiliate Marketing’. So no wonder why I chose the name 

(ii) Use a TLD – Do buy a domain with a ‘TLD’ extension (TLD=Top-Level-Domain). Buying a ‘.com’ domain broadens your chance of getting global viewers.

(iii) You should not use a domain name that you get by default with a free web hosting plan. In such cases, you will have to face lots of limitations.

Moreover, your domain names will be like ”’ or ‘’. Does it sound good? It’s like Peter Jones wants to take a house on rent from Mr. Doglus.

But, there is a condition. Peter must write his name as ‘PeterDoglus Jones. Just because he is a tenant of Mr. Doglus.     

(iv) If you buy a country-specific domain extension like, ‘.in’ or ‘.uk’, will limit your pageview. You will get viewers from India & the UK only resulting in fewer audiences.

When buying a ‘TLD’ extension other than a ‘.com’ make sense?

Say, Peter has decided to launch a blog. He doesn’t want to get lost in the ‘.com’ world, so for him buying a ‘.tech’ domain is definitely a good decision. If a medicine company buys a domain with a ‘.med’ TLD that is justified also. 

Step 3 – Buying the best web hosting plan according to your need. 

How to know which web hosting is best for you?’

If blogging is your hobby or a passion you may go for even any free hosting plan you like. The list includes Blogspot, Infinity free, Tumblr, 000WebHost, and some more.

But if you want to be a professional blogger i.e. blogging is your source of earning, you should go for thorough research and choose the best plan yourself.

Well ahead of buying any hosting plan keep in mind, the most common hosting plan people buy is in the ‘Shared Hosting’ category.

Some highly reputed bloggers with millions of viewers need to use ‘Cloud Hosting’. The ‘Dedicated Servers’ are for big companies or organizations, to maintain a high level of security. 

Why I’m saying choose yourself? Why not I’m recommending one?

Actually, there are a lot of great hosting plans in the world. The server speed may vary depending on the geographical location of you and your server. So, what is a good hosting plan for an Indian, may not work well for an American.

A lot of other factors are there, like:- An otherwise good enough hosting plan, may not perform well for an e-commerce site. 

So, recommending the ideal hosting plan for you without knowing your purpose, does not make sense.

Hence I’ll explain in detail, how to choose the best plan according to your need, in a totally risk-free unique way’, in the guide. I’ve tried and tested it myself and I can assure you that you will not find this unique idea anywhere else. 

While choosing a ‘Hosting plan’ you have to keep in mind several crucial points, like:-

(i) The ‘Page loading speed’ of the server in your country.

(ii) The ‘Renewal cost of the hosting plan’. Buying a cheap hosting plan will not ensure that the renewal price will be cheap also.

(iii) The support system of the hosting provider. Whether the support system provides a ‘Live chat’ or not matters a lot. Because without the ‘Live Chat’ system, you may have to wait for well above 24 hours, to resolve your problem.

(iv) If the server error is a regular problem of an otherwise fast and dependable hosting plan, it’s better to stay away. To know what types of server problems are common that may affect your business, you can Click This Link to know.

(v) Find and read rated reviews, how often your hosting provider suffers from the most common problems listed below is a matter of concern. If the problem is more often than normal, don’t even think about buying it. 

1. Slow Page Load. 

2. Viruses and Cyber Hacking. 

3. Website Traffic Overload.

4. Failure of Hardware or Software. 

5. Server Crash.  

Step 4 – Building your blog from the scratch by using the most popular ‘CMS’, i.e. WordPress.

After, buying your chosen hosting plan you will need to install the relevant software. If you buy any CMS software like Joomla, Drupal, or WooCommerce you will get guides for installing the relevant software.

Also, you may get help from YouTube. Actually, I’ve never even thought about anything other than the free and best ‘’. So, to be honest, I can’t provide you any information about the other CMS.

I won’t suggest using free or paid If you want to stay with the best ‘CMS’ software, i.e. ‘’, read the process of installation in detail in my guide.

If you buy a domain name and a hosting plan, you will get tutorials with it, also taking the help of YouTube videos you can install the software. By, working on the ‘Trial and error’ method, wasting a lot of time and energy you can set up a blog also.

But, choosing the right plan using a small capital is not a ‘Much advocated’ plan on the Internet.  That’s why I’ve chosen to write the most important points for a new blogger to protect him from serious and irreversible damage.       

Step 5 – Choose a good theme

A nice theme will make your blog look attractive. But a theme is good for your blog only when it does not slow down your page loading speed.

That’s why the pro bloggers advise choosing nice-looking lightweight themes only. If your theme slows down your site, then be sure that slowly but surely, you’ll start losing viewers.

No one likes to wait more than 4 seconds for a site to load. Once a viewer turns back, he or she does not return usually.

To design your blog properly, selecting the right theme is highly required. By choosing the right theme you will be able to design your blog ‘Look like a Pro’, which will be explained in detail, in the guide.  

Step 6 – Add pages and start posting your blog posts maintaining the category it should belong to. For example when I’m writing about ‘How To Start A Blog In 2021-Step-By-Step Guide’, it must be placed under the blogging category. 

But when I wrote about ‘The Most Trusted Ways To Earn Money Working Online’, I placed it under the ‘Make Money Online’ category.  

There are some ‘Must-dos’ for you before you start writing your blog post. They are –

i) Do thorough keyword research before writing your first post. Make sure you find keywords that are easy to rank as that’ll help you a lot in the long run.

ii) Always try to put a catchy title to your post.

iii) Try not to use copyrighted images from Google, its’ wiser to use copyright-free images from different sites.

Well, here comes the interesting part, blogging just doesn’t involve writing posts in vain but some bloggers actually rake in huge income from their blog.

Your first target should be bringing good traffic to your Blog. Without at least 3000 to 5000 viewers per month, nothing will work for you in the right way.

There are different ways to earn from your blog and they are as follows –

i) Start Affiliate Marketing – Most bloggers are into affiliate marketing and it helps them earn handsome amounts of money. Join selected ‘Affiliate Programs’, where the commission is high or recurring.

Affiliate Marketing is nothing but earning a commission by promoting other people’s products. But don’t just promote any product.

Collect information about a product then write the right review with both the pros and cons of it. If you keep promoting any product regardless of its authenticity. You will be famous for the wrong reason. Naturally, your ‘Affiliate Marketing’ business will soon come to halt.      

ii) Post advertisement on your blogs – Do use advertisements on your blog and use it to monetize your blog. For monetizing your blog, you’ll have to apply Google Adsense and and some more are there.

Research before contacting any company for posting ads, some companies do not maintain fair deals, stay away from them. Don’t allow any company to post ‘Adult advertisement’ on your site.

iii) Create and sell your course or product – Try to create a fanbase of yours and build trust among and try selling your own courses or products to them. This is hands down one of the most effective ways to earn money from blogging.

iv) Apply for Google AdSense’s approval:- Once you get approved by Google, Google AdSense will start posting advertisements on your blog and you will earn from it.

So, I hope you have got a fair idea after reading this post on how to start and why you should start a blog in 2020?

If you’ve got the idea, then go ahead and start your blog and start working as soon as possible. Also, I wish you success. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments section.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Best (Most) Tips to Making Money on Your Blog or Website Using Google AdSense


Top Tips to Making Money on Your Blog or Website Using Google AdSense

Overview and Tips for Making Money Using AdSense

Google : Illustration
By iamshalomshalom

Google AdSense is an advertising program that allows you to run ads on your website, blog, or YouTube videos and get paid when visitors click on them. The ads are generated from businesses that use Google's AdWords program that you feed using a special AdSense code onto your blog or website.

For new websites or blogs, the Google AdSense program can be one of the fastest ways to generate income, which is why it's so popular.

Pros and Cons of Making Money With Google AdSense

The Google AdSense program has several great advantages including:

  • It's free to join. 
  • Eligibility requirements are easy, which means you can monetize your website or blog even when it's new.
  • There is a variety of ad options and several that you can customize to fit the look and feel of your site.
  • Google pays monthly by direct deposit if you meet the $100 threshold.
  • You can run ads on several websites from one AdSense account.
  • There are options to run ads on mobile devices and RSS feeds. 
  • You can easily add it to your Blogger and YouTube accounts, although with YouTube, you'll need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time to run AdSense on your videos.

With that said, there are a few drawbacks to AdSense as well:

  • Google can terminate your account in an instant, and it's not very forgiving if you break the rules.
  • Like all forms of online income, you need traffic in order to make money.
  • When people click on an AdSense ad, you make some money, but your visitor also leaves your site, which means you lose the opportunity to make money with higher-paying affiliate products or your own products and services.
  • It doesn't necessarily pay more than other similar ad programs.

AdSense is a great monetization option, but it's not a get-rich-quick or make-money-doing-nothing program. Further, Google has rules that some bloggers seem to miss when reading the terms of service. As a result, many website owners have found out the hard way that they'd violated a Google policy and have lost their account forever. 

Types of AdSense Ads

Google offers a variety of ad types to run on your website, including: 

  • Text: Text ads use words, either as an Ad Unit (one offer) or a Link Unit (list of offers), and come in a variety of sizes. You can customize the color of the box, text, and link.
  • Images: Image ads are graphic ads. They come in a variety of sizes. You can choose an ad feed option that mixes both text and image ads.
  • Rich Media: These are interactive ad types that can include HTML, video, and flash.
  • Video
  • Animated Image
  • AdSense for Search: This allows you to have a Google search box on your website or blog. When a user enters a term and conducts a search, a search results page opens with AdSense ads. You can customize the color scheme of the search results page to harmonize with your website.

Google AdSense Payments

Google pays through direct deposit or check each month your earnings reach or exceed $100. If you don't earn $100 in one month, your earnings roll over and are added to the next month. Each time you reach the $100 threshold, Google will issue a payment on the next payment period. Through your AdSense account, you can see your current earnings, what ads are generating the most clicks, and other helpful data.

Making Money With AdSense

Making a significant amount of money with AdSense requires a plan. Here are tips for maximizing AdSense revenue:

  • Read and adhere to Google's rules: Webmasters must comply with Google's webmaster policies, as well as the AdSense program policy
  • Don't click on your own ads or ask others to click on them: Incentivizing clicks, buying Pay Per Click (PPC) space, or using a program designed to drive traffic to AdSense pages are against the rules. Remember, Google isn't very forgiving about breaking the rules, so be sure to adhere to them.
  • Have great content your target market wants to read: Ultimately, money is made, whether through AdSense or other monetization methods, by providing valuable content and quality traffic to your blog or website.
  • Use honest, organic traffic-building website marketing techniques: Search engine optimizationand article marketing are effective in getting free traffic to your site.
  • Make sure your website/blog is optimized for mobile (responsive): The number of people who use mobile devices is high. Also make sure you're using responsive ads so Google can send appropriate ad sizes to mobile devices viewing your site.
  • Test ad types and placement to find the options that lead to the most income: Start with standard sizes (300×250, 728×90, and 160×600), and then switch them out to see if one size leads to more clicks than another.
  • Max out your ad placement: You're allowed three standard ad placements per page. Use them all for maximum benefit.
  • Have ads above the fold: This is the section of your page that is viewable without scrolling.
  • Have a leader board ad below your header/logo: Instead of putting an ad at the very top of the page, put it near your logo where it's more likely to be noticed.
  • Include in-content ads for visibility: This means having ads within your articles, which can increase clicks because they'll be seen during the course of reading the post.
  • Monitor your results: Google can overwhelm you with tools and feedback but do your best to analyze your data to see what it says about your results so you can make the most of your effort.
  • Read email from Google: This can be especially important if Google is sending a warning about something it doesn't like on your site. Failure to deal with Google's complaints will lead to termination in the program.

Advanced AdSense Tips

Once you have ads running on your site, you'll want to make sure you are getting the most of your AdSense program. Here are some additional tips to consider when you're ready to boost your AdSense income:

  • Run experiments: You can A/B test your ads through AdSense.
  • Experiment with link and box colors: If your colors match your theme, consider changing them up to see if it impacts results.
  • Enable placement targeting: This allows advertisers to choose where their ads appear.
  • Set up custom channelsThis gives you a better sense of what's working and not working to generate income on your site.

Dealing With Competitors' or Questionable Advertisements

If you offer products or services on your website, you may find that some ads Google delivers come from your competitors. Another issue that can occur is ads that may not be completely legitimate or they might offend your market. To prevent these offers from showing up on your site, Google AdSense allows you to block up to 200 URLs from appearing on your site. The challenge of blocking URLs is two-fold. 

  1. You don't know what ads are running on your site until you see them there.
  2. Since you can't click on your own links (to the get the URL), you need to be careful about obtaining the URL to block. The best way to get the link so you can block it in AdSense is to right-click the link, select Copy Link Address, and paste it into a document or text editor (i.e., Notepad). The Google URL is long, but within it is the URL of the page the ad goes to. Copy that URL and paste it into your AdSense blocked ads account.

Other Programs Besides AdSense

There are many ad network programs similar to AdSense, such as and InfoLinks. Some might require a traffic threshold, so you need to wait until your website is established and getting regular traffic before being accepted.

Most have similar rules to Google, such as a limit to the number of the network's ads per page (usually three), and termination for clicking your own ads. In most cases, you can run multiple ad networks on your site without violating terms of service, but you'll want to read the rules of each network before doing it. Further, you want to avoid your site becoming so overwhelmed with ads that your readers can't find the content. 

Other Income Options Besides Ad Networks

Ad networks, especially AdSense, are great options because you can join as a new blogger or website owner, and they are easy to use. But they're not the only ways to make money from your website. In fact, as your site traffic grows, other monetization options might be better. Here are some other money-making ideas you can use instead of, or along with, ad networks.

  • Affiliate Marketing: Like ad networks, affiliate programs are usually free to join and easy to add to your website. 
  • Sell Your Own Product or Service: Creating your own product or service, as opposed to promoting someone else's through affiliate marketing, can earn you significantly more money. This is especially true with information products or online courses that are inexpensive to create and sell. Other options include ebooks and freelance services.
  • Coaching or Consulting: As an expert in your topic, you're in a good position to help people beyond the information you provide on your website or blog. You can offer more in-depth help through coaching or consulting.
  • Sponsors: When you have a good amount of traffic and influence over your audience, other companies will pay to sponsor your website. They can sponsor your entire site or a single page or post.

As you can see, there are many ways to earn income from a website or blog. But many require that you have significant traffic before you'll make money. This is where AdSense is a good beginning monetization option. You don't have to create anything, you can join the day you start your blog or website, it's free, and it's easy to add the ad code to your wwebsite.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Top 10 most Powerful and Influential Leaders and Personalities in the World of Economic Growth

Top 10 Most Powerful leaders and Personalities of the world

According to the recent reports of Forbes magazine , a list of world's top ten most powerful leaders and Influencing personalities of the world has been prepared that includes some interesting names that you might found excited to be in this list :

1. Xi jinping 

At very first position comes President of People Republic of China Xi jinping from communist party of China. Xi jinping was born on 15th June,1953. Xi  jinping has started his way to early services in Chinese military services.
Served as General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Chairman of the Central Military Commission since 2012, and President of the People's Republic of China since 2013
Xi managed to accumulate power at a rapid pace during his first term as China’s president. The success of his anti-corruption strategy continued, with more than one million corrupt officials being punished by late 2017. The strategy also served to remove many of jinping political rivals, further bolstering his efforts to eliminate dissent and strengthen his grip on power. 
Chinese government headed by  Xi jinping has worked well in order to make China one of the top economic power.
Recently, during global pandemic a lot of countries like United States, Australia, Britain raised question on Chinese government head on not sharing information with other countries on time to deal with the virus spreading.

2. Vladimir Putin                                                  

Vladimir putin was born on 7th Oct,1953 in saint petersburg. He studied law from leningrad State University, and graduated in year 1975. Vladimir putin was very passionate towards spy services since his childhood days and his joined KGB. He is former KGB officer.


Putin worked for secret services for 16 years in foreign countries and later  on as director of federal security services and secretary of the security council.
He was elected as prime minister between years 1999 to 2000 & again from years 2008 to 2012 and a presidential term from 7th may 2000 to 7th may 2008.
United States officials accused Putin for running an interference program against Hillary Clinton in support of Donald Trump in 2016 presidential elections.
Putin obtained 76% of the vote in election of 2018 and was re-elected for 6 year of term ending in 2024.

3. Donald Trump

Donald Trump was born on 14th June 1946, and he is the 45th President of United States of America. Before presidential election his was a famous businessman and tv personality. Trump surprised everyone with his entery in 2016  U. S. Presidential Eections as a Republican Party candidate and recorded big victory against Democratic party nominee Hillary Clinton in electoral college. 
Donald Trump has always been in news due to his controversial statement and action like withdrawing from Paris agreement on climate change, imposing import tarrif, Ordered travel ban on citizens from several muslim majority countries, Moved the United States embassy in Israel to Jerusalem,and many other decisions during his entire term.

But it is expected that his name from this list may go down as Trump lost the 2020's American presidential Eections against Joe Biden but denied to approve his defeat. He made alligations of electoral fraud, recounting of votes, mounted a series of unsuccessful legal challenges to the results, and ordered government officials not to cooperate in the presidential power transition.

4. Angela Merkel

Her name in this list shows women power and  how she can be Influencing by his actions and statement by his leadership qualities.
Angela Merkel sets a very big example of a Powerful women that inspires every women around the world.
Angela Merkel was born on 17 July 1954 in Hamburg, Germany.Angela Markel became the first female chancellor of Germany in 2005.
He is serving his fourth term as chancellor of Germany. In 2018, she stepped down as Christian democratic union.
She allowed more than one million refugees of Syria in Germany & said that Germany would open his borders in the face of humanitarian emergency which shows her political will and quality of kind hearted as a person. 
Recently She announced that she will not seek any other term for chancellor of Germany from the year 2021.
All her political, social, economic leadership qualities makes her a strong and dedicated person as a globe leader.

According to surveys more than 75% adult in 14 European nations believe more in Angela Merkel tha any other political leader in this region.
Also,She set a big example for humanity. That's why she deserves to be in this list among top leaders and personalities.

5.  Jeff Bezos

According to forbes wealth index he is the first centi- billionaire. You definitely won't be surprised to see this face if you have ever done online Shoppings from site like Ebay, Walmart , Alibaba,flipkart, Amazon,ShopClues and many more.
Yes we are talking about Jeff Bezos well known as founder and CEO of online shopping website. He is entrepreneur, industrialist, and investor.
Jeff was born on 3rd January,1964 in New Mexico State of USA.

After receiving elementary education , Jeff received his graduation in electrical and computer engineering from Princeton University. He worked on wall street in various fields from 1986 to 1994 and achieved his market experience.
His experience of Marketing from wall street gave him worth when he founded e commerce website in last 1994. It all was Started from a basement where he keep stocks and books, magazine and journal for online sales.
Further he expanded his e commerce website for customers to purchase computer software, hardware, audio streaming,cloud computing and other various products.
Now his e-commerce company is the world's largest online sales company.
Jeff also founded an aerospace manufacturing
and suborbital flights services company named Blue Origin in 2000. He owned the famous American newspaper "The Washington Post" in 2013 worth  $250 million.
Apart from these, Bezos have made many other investments through his Bezos expeditions capital venture company.
Now he have a net worth of  $182 Billion US dollars making him the richest person of world.

6. Pope Francis

Pope Francis is the spiritual leader of more than 1/6th of total world's population i.e, 1.3 billion people.

Pope Francis was born on 17 December, 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He received a Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State. 

At the age of 21, he suffered from life-threatening pneumonia and three cysts.He had part of a lung excised shortly afterwards.
After this incident he inspired to join the society of jesus in 1958. He become a catholic priest in1969 and further as Argentina's provincial superior of the society of Jesus(Jesuits).

Pope Francis has taken steps in order to transform outstanding conservative image of 
Catholic Church. So In Nov 2016, he decided to give power to the priests to forgive women who undergo abortion, favoured marriage of same orientation. He also advocated necessarily action needed to be taken on climate change. He also promoted humanity and welfare of society by his unique ideas.

7. Bill Gates

Bill gates is well known as Co-founder and CEO of Microsoft Corporation. He is an American business magnate, software developer and philanthropist.
Bill gates was born at Seattle, Washington of United States of America.
At a very small age of 13, he wrote his first software program. Gates was very passionate towards machine that how his written program will run perfectly. Also he was excused from maths classes in order to pursue his interest of writing software codes and executing them.

At age of 18, Bill and his friend Paul Ellen
formed a venture called Traf-O-Data to make traffic counters based on Intel 8008 process. He was a National Merit scholar when he received his graduation from Lakeside school in 1973. In Autumn of 1973 Bill join Harvard University but dropped out from there. 
In 1975 Bill and his friend Paul Ellen saw big opportunity to start there own software company.
Bill was appointed as Microsoft's CEO in 2000 and remained at this post until hi resignation in 2014. According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Gates was the world's highest-earning billionaire in 2013, as his net worth increased by US$15.8 billion to US$78.5 billion. 
In many of his interviews Bill gates has given his concern for future over super- intelligence, climate change, environment, global health and development,and education.

8. Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud

Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud was born on 31st August 1985 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He holds a degree in law from King Saud University. After graduating from college, Mohammed bin Salman spent several years in the private sector before becoming personal aide to his father.
On 15 December 2009, at the age of 24, Mohammed bin Salman stepped in politics as a special advisor to his father.

Mohammed bin Salman took the leadership in the restructuring economic power which he officially announced in April 2016 when he introduced Vision 2030, the country's strategic orientation for the next 15 years. Vision 2030 plans to reform Saudi economy towards a more diversified and Private structure. It details goals and measures in various fields, from developing non-oil revenues and privatisation of the economy to e-government and sustainable growth. 

Saudi Prince has also made social reform in society of Saudi Arabia. Some of them are restricting powers of religious police, Removing ban on women drivers in June 2018, allowing concerts by female singers, first stadium which admits women, increasing female population in workforce &  Introduction of new e-visa system that allows applying and issues of Visas through internet. Prince has been in news for some of his controversial decisions too  but his economical , social,foreign policies, defense strategies makes him a global leaders with straight forward visions.

9. Narendra Modi

Here comes the name of the leaders from India the Biggest Democratic country of the world i.e, Narendra Modi.
He is the renowned face among top global leaders. Narendra Modi came into power in common elections for lok sabha seats in may 2014. As a candidate for prime minister from Bhartiya janta Party (BJP) he recorded massive victory over his political rival and formulated an independent government by taking oath 
on 26th may 2014.

Narendra Modi was born on 17 sep,1950 in gujarat(Vadnagar) in India. Going through struggles and hardships in his early life became chief minister of gujarat state in year 2001 and remained chief minister of gujarat state by 24th may, 2014.
Narendra Modi has showed great dedication towards his nation and his work and made remarkable reform in various fields around the country.
His foreign and inter-country policies has given India more strength in excelling  for economically, socially and security strategically purposes.
He is also known for his tough decision making skills. In a big democratic country like India it is not possible to take hard decision so easily but Modi has been succeeded to make it possible with his well pre-planned strategy and leading political approach towards big deals.

Inspite of his tough decision like de -monetisation in India, Goods and services taxes, surgical strickes over Pakistan, anti corruption campaigns,
Again,Indian citizens gave there mandate to Narendra Modi by electing him as prime minister again in 2019 lok sabha elections. It is his second term as prime minister of India .

In current scenario, his decisions are working good for his nation's development. His thoughts and strategies put effects on entire globe and welfare of world. Thus he must be on this list.

10. Larry Page

Lawrence Edward Page is  best known as Co-founder of Google. He is an American computer scientist and also an internet entrepreneur. Larry was born on 26th March 1973, Lansing, Michigan.

Larry obtained a bachelor's degree in computer engineering with honors from University of Michigan and a master's degree in computer science from Stanford University. During his master's Larry created a Inkjet printer which uses line plotting after an idea came to him of making a cheap method of printing large size posters.

Page worked as the CEO of Google from 1997 until August 2001 and later stepped down in favor of Eric  Schmidt. Further He became CEO of Alphabet Inc. from April,2011 to July,2015 Which was parent company of Google that was created to given advancement.

Larry earned a lot of profit by creating Google and thus built large amount of wealth. Forbes Magazine placed him 10th in his list named "Billionaires 2019". By the end of July 2020, Larry Page was the 13th-richest person in the world, with a net worth of $69.4 billion, according to forbes. In 2015,Forbes identified google as the "most influential company" of digital era.