Thursday, January 7, 2021

How to Start a Blog In 2021 – Step-By-Step Guide


How to Start a Blog In 2021 – Step-By-Step Guide

Are you ready to make money using blog in 2021? Well, then you are at the right place. 

I hope this thoroughly researched post, on ‘How To Start A Blog In 2021-Step-By-Step Guide’ will help you enormously to launch a blog in the right way.

Being a newbie myself advising others on blogging does not suit me, I understand that.

So, you may ask me ‘How dare you to advise people? 

No, I don’t dare to advise, instead, I care to share the knowledge I acquired through my hard,  nerve-racking research, before launching my own blog. That’s the driving force behind posting this article, ‘How To Start A Blog In 2021-Step-By-Step Guide’.

My motto is – Let’s grow together by sharing our thoughts, knowledge, worries, and concerns. 

In this article, firstly, I’ll write about the ‘Ins and outs’ of blogging, and also about the loopholes you should know beforehand to avoid any loss. A huge number of people dare not buying a blog, due to a lack of capital, I’ll show a unique solution to that problem as well. 

*The solution will be in the Guide with this article, the fund will no more be a problem.  

I’ll write on how to start blogging in the right way with the smallest capital, using a ‘Paid Hosting Plan’. I’ll write about the technical details of creating a blog in the free guide. 

**The Guide will provide you with 100% unique, stunning ideas, don’t miss it out.

Initially starting a blog may seem to you, an extremely complicated, and tough job. But, once you get the ball rolling, gradually you will perceive that it is not as intimidating as it seemed at the beginning. 

You might have to face some obstacles on your way that it is natural in all aspects of life. So, do not lose hope. Just pause, think, and analyze your mistakes and rectify them.

Once you identify and eliminate your mistakes and start working with the right planning, rest assured you will be rewarded with success. 

Does blogging in 2021 need any different approach? 

The one-word answer to the question is ‘Yes’.

Shocked? Surprised?

Around the world, a lot of people are looking frantically for a trusted source of income. Earning money by working online from home is tempting more and more people.

Taking full advantage of this, the scammers are getting easy prey. They are advocating extremely alluring but fake ways of earning quick money on the Internet.

Inexperienced people who are looking for earning quick bucks are jumpstarting & investing their hard-earned money, thus incurring a heavy loss of capital and precious time. 

So, you need to execute extreme caution before starting ‘Blogging’ or any ‘Online Business’ now in 2021. Before you start earning money, you must not start losing money.

It is not wise to just go and buy any domain and web hosting plan 

Yes, of course not, as those factors will be the deciding factors of your ‘Blogging business’.

Before launching a blog, the primary steps you need to follow are:- 

Step 1 – Choosing a niche for your blog. (Niche here means the topic of discussion.) 

This is the most important step in your blogging career. Choosing the right niche will pave the path for your success. The majority of the bloggers fail in the long run because of their wrong choice of niche.

Why so? 

Say, you are very passionate about a niche. But, the rest of the world has no interest in it. It will surely be detrimental to your blogging journey. Working on this niche won’t be profitable for you.

How you should select the right niche? 

Make a list of the common niches that you are passionate about and profitable ones for affiliate marketing as well. Now, you can choose and pick one from the list, this is the right niche for you to work with.

Your passion will help you to write articles on this niche. The profitability of the niche will help you earn money in the long run from affiliate marketing.    

Examples of a few attractive and profitable niches are – Tech, Blogging, SEO, Travel, Health and Fitness, Beauty & Fashion, etc. Just make a short research on the Internet if you want to select any niche other than one from above.

Step 2 – Choosing a domain of your own preference

Choosing a domain name that reflects your niche is of course helpful. While you are buying a domain, do keep a few things in mind. They are:-

(i) Keep your domain name short and simple, so that people can remember it easily.

(ii) If your domain name gives a hint of your niche, that will work as a blessing for you.

I have chosen and bought the domain, with a purpose. It is simple, and it also indicates that I want to write about ‘Blogging’ and about something more.

As my aim is to write about ‘Blogging’, ‘Making Money Online’, and ‘Affiliate Marketing’. So no wonder why I chose the name 

(ii) Use a TLD – Do buy a domain with a ‘TLD’ extension (TLD=Top-Level-Domain). Buying a ‘.com’ domain broadens your chance of getting global viewers.

(iii) You should not use a domain name that you get by default with a free web hosting plan. In such cases, you will have to face lots of limitations.

Moreover, your domain names will be like ”’ or ‘’. Does it sound good? It’s like Peter Jones wants to take a house on rent from Mr. Doglus.

But, there is a condition. Peter must write his name as ‘PeterDoglus Jones. Just because he is a tenant of Mr. Doglus.     

(iv) If you buy a country-specific domain extension like, ‘.in’ or ‘.uk’, will limit your pageview. You will get viewers from India & the UK only resulting in fewer audiences.

When buying a ‘TLD’ extension other than a ‘.com’ make sense?

Say, Peter has decided to launch a blog. He doesn’t want to get lost in the ‘.com’ world, so for him buying a ‘.tech’ domain is definitely a good decision. If a medicine company buys a domain with a ‘.med’ TLD that is justified also. 

Step 3 – Buying the best web hosting plan according to your need. 

How to know which web hosting is best for you?’

If blogging is your hobby or a passion you may go for even any free hosting plan you like. The list includes Blogspot, Infinity free, Tumblr, 000WebHost, and some more.

But if you want to be a professional blogger i.e. blogging is your source of earning, you should go for thorough research and choose the best plan yourself.

Well ahead of buying any hosting plan keep in mind, the most common hosting plan people buy is in the ‘Shared Hosting’ category.

Some highly reputed bloggers with millions of viewers need to use ‘Cloud Hosting’. The ‘Dedicated Servers’ are for big companies or organizations, to maintain a high level of security. 

Why I’m saying choose yourself? Why not I’m recommending one?

Actually, there are a lot of great hosting plans in the world. The server speed may vary depending on the geographical location of you and your server. So, what is a good hosting plan for an Indian, may not work well for an American.

A lot of other factors are there, like:- An otherwise good enough hosting plan, may not perform well for an e-commerce site. 

So, recommending the ideal hosting plan for you without knowing your purpose, does not make sense.

Hence I’ll explain in detail, how to choose the best plan according to your need, in a totally risk-free unique way’, in the guide. I’ve tried and tested it myself and I can assure you that you will not find this unique idea anywhere else. 

While choosing a ‘Hosting plan’ you have to keep in mind several crucial points, like:-

(i) The ‘Page loading speed’ of the server in your country.

(ii) The ‘Renewal cost of the hosting plan’. Buying a cheap hosting plan will not ensure that the renewal price will be cheap also.

(iii) The support system of the hosting provider. Whether the support system provides a ‘Live chat’ or not matters a lot. Because without the ‘Live Chat’ system, you may have to wait for well above 24 hours, to resolve your problem.

(iv) If the server error is a regular problem of an otherwise fast and dependable hosting plan, it’s better to stay away. To know what types of server problems are common that may affect your business, you can Click This Link to know.

(v) Find and read rated reviews, how often your hosting provider suffers from the most common problems listed below is a matter of concern. If the problem is more often than normal, don’t even think about buying it. 

1. Slow Page Load. 

2. Viruses and Cyber Hacking. 

3. Website Traffic Overload.

4. Failure of Hardware or Software. 

5. Server Crash.  

Step 4 – Building your blog from the scratch by using the most popular ‘CMS’, i.e. WordPress.

After, buying your chosen hosting plan you will need to install the relevant software. If you buy any CMS software like Joomla, Drupal, or WooCommerce you will get guides for installing the relevant software.

Also, you may get help from YouTube. Actually, I’ve never even thought about anything other than the free and best ‘’. So, to be honest, I can’t provide you any information about the other CMS.

I won’t suggest using free or paid If you want to stay with the best ‘CMS’ software, i.e. ‘’, read the process of installation in detail in my guide.

If you buy a domain name and a hosting plan, you will get tutorials with it, also taking the help of YouTube videos you can install the software. By, working on the ‘Trial and error’ method, wasting a lot of time and energy you can set up a blog also.

But, choosing the right plan using a small capital is not a ‘Much advocated’ plan on the Internet.  That’s why I’ve chosen to write the most important points for a new blogger to protect him from serious and irreversible damage.       

Step 5 – Choose a good theme

A nice theme will make your blog look attractive. But a theme is good for your blog only when it does not slow down your page loading speed.

That’s why the pro bloggers advise choosing nice-looking lightweight themes only. If your theme slows down your site, then be sure that slowly but surely, you’ll start losing viewers.

No one likes to wait more than 4 seconds for a site to load. Once a viewer turns back, he or she does not return usually.

To design your blog properly, selecting the right theme is highly required. By choosing the right theme you will be able to design your blog ‘Look like a Pro’, which will be explained in detail, in the guide.  

Step 6 – Add pages and start posting your blog posts maintaining the category it should belong to. For example when I’m writing about ‘How To Start A Blog In 2021-Step-By-Step Guide’, it must be placed under the blogging category. 

But when I wrote about ‘The Most Trusted Ways To Earn Money Working Online’, I placed it under the ‘Make Money Online’ category.  

There are some ‘Must-dos’ for you before you start writing your blog post. They are –

i) Do thorough keyword research before writing your first post. Make sure you find keywords that are easy to rank as that’ll help you a lot in the long run.

ii) Always try to put a catchy title to your post.

iii) Try not to use copyrighted images from Google, its’ wiser to use copyright-free images from different sites.

Well, here comes the interesting part, blogging just doesn’t involve writing posts in vain but some bloggers actually rake in huge income from their blog.

Your first target should be bringing good traffic to your Blog. Without at least 3000 to 5000 viewers per month, nothing will work for you in the right way.

There are different ways to earn from your blog and they are as follows –

i) Start Affiliate Marketing – Most bloggers are into affiliate marketing and it helps them earn handsome amounts of money. Join selected ‘Affiliate Programs’, where the commission is high or recurring.

Affiliate Marketing is nothing but earning a commission by promoting other people’s products. But don’t just promote any product.

Collect information about a product then write the right review with both the pros and cons of it. If you keep promoting any product regardless of its authenticity. You will be famous for the wrong reason. Naturally, your ‘Affiliate Marketing’ business will soon come to halt.      

ii) Post advertisement on your blogs – Do use advertisements on your blog and use it to monetize your blog. For monetizing your blog, you’ll have to apply Google Adsense and and some more are there.

Research before contacting any company for posting ads, some companies do not maintain fair deals, stay away from them. Don’t allow any company to post ‘Adult advertisement’ on your site.

iii) Create and sell your course or product – Try to create a fanbase of yours and build trust among and try selling your own courses or products to them. This is hands down one of the most effective ways to earn money from blogging.

iv) Apply for Google AdSense’s approval:- Once you get approved by Google, Google AdSense will start posting advertisements on your blog and you will earn from it.

So, I hope you have got a fair idea after reading this post on how to start and why you should start a blog in 2020?

If you’ve got the idea, then go ahead and start your blog and start working as soon as possible. Also, I wish you success. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments section.

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