Thursday, April 22, 2021



"History leads the wise man and drags the fool" 


History has been recognized all over the world as a source of enlightenment and development. As a collective memory of the past of a nation, history attempts to bring to the fore the salient and significant part of events that occurred in the past, which could be utilized in building a prosperous national future. This is why every human society, no matter the level of advancement, has placed optimum priority to the bequeathing of a "useable past" from generation to generation. For instance, in ancient cultures every kingdom had its own history laureate whose task it was to remember the past. "3 Modernity has also been influenced greatly by the enhanced production of history. This is assisting nations (who have placed the needed emphasis on historical studies) in their tasks of nation building, promoting national consciousness, the flowering of moral leadership and ensuring overall national development. "4

From the above brief allusion, one can submit that history is an essential instrument for any nation that is desirous of breakthroughs in all human endeavors. Consequently, it has become a serious academic discipline, which attracts the most talented in most developed countries. "5 This is why it is most pathetic that the study of history has been relegated to the background in various schools in Nigeria. This explains why the country remains a crawling giant. More than ever before, ethnic chauvinism has become the major driving force of Nigeria's national polity. Nigerians many times (albeit, with good reasons) have not only queried the basis for nationhood, but also doubted her permanent survival. Indeed, after more than forty-five years of so-called independence, the Nigerian Union, according to Professor Adebayo Adedeji, remains largely "a co-habitation without marriage. "6

I would argue that a major reason why so much violence (physical and psychological), aggression, hatred, poverty, et cetera, dominate the day to day existence of the people in Nigeria is that, collectively, they lack historical consciousness. They tend, indeed, to act or react based on the present situation and care little about the past. It is therefore not surprising that few care about the kind of future to be built for both the people and the nation. Due to the fact that Nigerian statesmen lack a proper sense of history, the politics of the belly and that of the moment dominate the polity. Merit is consequently slaughtered on the slab of power profiteering. With all these vices, development at all levels in Nigeria remains a wild goose chase.

To escape from this seemingly inescapable quagmire, there is an urgent need to imbue Nigerians with an enduring sense of history. As Professor J. F. A. Ajayi once submitted:

The nation suffers which has no sense of history. Its values remain superficial and ephemeral unless imbued with a deep sense of continuity and perception of success and achievement that transcends acquisition of temporary power or transient wealth. Such a nation cannot achieve a sense of purpose or direction or stability and without them the future is bleak "7

It is in the light of this that a study of this nature becomes absolutely imperative as part of the ongoing efforts towards the historical awakening of Nigerians. This essay will, inter-alia, focus on the unbreakable nexus between history and national development; bring out the relevance of this link especially at this era of globalization; analyze what a country like Nigeria in search of her soul and awesome technological breakthrough could gain from such an "unattractive" and non-materialistic" discipline such as history; and lastly, will suggest how Nigerians could be imbued with an enduring and proper sense of history for national development.


Arguably, Development at all levels (personal or national) in human society is a multi-faceted process. At the level of the individual, it implies multiplied skill and capacity, greater freedom, creativity, self-discipline, responsibility and material well-being. It must however be noted that the achievement of any aspect of personal development is strong tied to the state of the society as a whole. "8At the national level, development will naturally mean the pulling together of the above-stated personal virtues for the benefit and well-being of people within such a nation. More often than not, as Walter Rodney once contended, development is used in an exclusive economic sense ­ the justification being that the type of economy is itself an index of other social features. A society develops economically as its members increase jointly their capacity for dealing with the environment, which of course depends on the extent to which they understand laws of nature (science), on the extent to which they put that understanding into practice by devising tools (technology), and on the manner in which work is organized. "9

I therefore contend that for any nation to develop, the collective spirit of the people must be well nurtured and propagated. Here lies the significance of history. History, in the words Prof. Babatunde Fafunwa is:

To a people what memory is to the individual. A people with no knowledge of their past would suffer from collective amnesia, groping blindly into the future without the guide post of precedence to shape their course "10

Also writing on the intimating interaction between Nation and History, J. F. Ade Ajayi stressed that:

History interacts with the nation. For the nation is a product of history in the sense of historical circumstances and events; and therefore the nation cannot escape from its past. At the same time, the nation is shaped by the effort of historians, among others, who try to establish the history of the nation, influence its group memory and seek to define its nationality-that is, the essence of what binds its people together, what constitutes their identity, what makes them a people distinct from other peoples. "11

Indeed, what historical understanding does essentially for any nation is to place its developmental predicament within rational time perspectives of human evolution. This is the utility value of history. History also helps people not to undervalue what they are and overvalue what they are not. It in turn provides confidence ­ building strategy to any prostrate nation that is striving to grapple with present problems. "12

Development should and must not only be conceived materially. This is because humans are not solely materialistic in nature; they are equally spiritual, artistic and creative beings. Development ipso facto is to my mind twofold. Firstly, it entails concerted efforts at satisfying basic/crucial human needs such as food, shelter and general wellbeing through productivity. Secondly it equips citizens with enduring moral values such as, hard work, honesty, integrity, transparency, justice, and discipline. Indeed, the two are inseparable as a nation full of impoverished people cannot improve its material base and neither can a morally decadent society dream of dazzling development at any level.

A number of erudite scholars have written on the universal/ developmental nature of history, so I will not bore you with repetition of their views. "13 But for the purposes of this essay I will allude to two arguments. First is Socrates' judgment on Pericles- the Famous Athenian statesman. He stated:

The brilliant statesman had enriched and embellished the city, had created protective walls around it, had built ports and dock yards, had launched navies, had eternalized the glory of the city by temples of undying grandeur and beauty, had multiplied in Attica the feasts of arts and reason, but did not occupy himself with the problem of how to make Athenians better men and women. As a result, his work has remained incomplete and his creation caduceus "14

Writing in the same manner, B. O. Oloruntimehin aguishly contended that:
To advocate that studies in the sciences and technology should be pursued to the relative neglect [humiliation] of the humanities and social sciences is to express appetite for the materialism which technology creates rapidly, but without required for the organic growth and stability. Every one of us including the scientist and technologist has to be a citizen. Without the socializing influence of training in the humanities (especially history), the aggregation that we represent as citizens cannot be properly called a nation. A nation that lacks clear self-identity and which is structurally incoherent cannot be strong whatever its wealth and the amount of gadgetry at its disposal. "15

The developmental nature of the historical discipline is further emphasized by the fact that every discipline has its root in history. This makes it virtually impossible for any discipline not to pay attention to its history. Thus, we have the history of science, of medicine, of banking, of engineering, of knowledge, of development, and even the history of history. For example, no rational medical doctor will attend to his or her patient without perusing his or her medical history. For it is within that context that the doctor will appreciate better the patient's ailment and what medication to prescribe.

History, therefore, is a key factor in all disciplines and in the training of minds. Similarly, it is a duty for any nation that is desirous of development in all its ramifications to always delve into its past achievements as well as those of other lands. With this the nation will be able to learn from the past errors, to draw inspiration from worthy past efforts, and to strategize for the future development.

All I have said is not to deny the importance of the acquisition of scientific skills and knowledge. The point of emphasis here is that those skills should be accompanied by appropriate moral values without which the society will return to the Hobbessian state of nature of battle of all against all. History tends to produce thinking men and women who are imbued with curiosity, who will not accept any view hook, line and sinker, who through questioning and reasoning will be able to come to their own conclusion, who have become full of knowledge, and who by that means would be able to contribute to the development of their society. This is the outstanding link between history and national development. But in tangible terms what could any nation in serious search for physical and psychological development (Nigeria for instance) gain from this powerful link? This shall be the next focus of this historical discourse.



History teaches us that the most fundamental obstacle to national development in Africa is the apparent absence of national integration. And the erosion of NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS occasions this. As I have lamented elsewhere, "it is quite disturbing to note that in Africa today, there is no country that is not prone to chaos and anarchy due to so many existing fissiparous tendencies."16 And Nigeria is no exception. With this, politics has permanently become public pains for private gains in Nigeria, as in most parts of Africa. The very few elite constantly exploit the seeming eternal divisions among Nigerians which cut across religion, tribe, sex and politics in their struggle for personal /egoistic socio-economic and political advantages.

In Nigeria as in other Third World Countries, national consciousness, instead of being the all-embracing crystallization of the innermost hopes of the whole people, instead of being the immediate and most obvious result of the mobilization of the people, has only become an empty shell, and frequently 'the nation' is passed over for race and tribe. "17With all these calamitous cracks in the Nigerian edifice, which of course came into being through the concerted and calculated efforts of the British imperialists and was kept alive by the failure of the national leadership to uproot colonial legacies and initiate enduring developmental strategies, the present retrogressive national effort towards national development becomes discernible. According to Frantz Fanon:

This traditional weakness, which is almost congenital to the national consciousness of under-developed countries, is not solely the result of the mutilation of the colonized people by the colonial regime. It is also the result of the intellectual laziness of the national middle class, of its spiritual penury… "18

With the above, national development also requires the transformation of people's minds, lives, and environment in such a way that will increase national consciousness. In the case of Nigeria, national development includes things as:
Increasing the degree of national consciousness of Nigerians, increasing the degree of acceptance by Nigerians of the central government as the symbol of national unity, increasing the degree of tolerance of one another by Nigerians, increasing the quantity and quality of things that make for good life in the socio-economic sectors. "19

Unfortunately, most of these virtues are either non-existent or their existence is fraught with fraud. Consequently, the influence of ethnic consciousness is still profound on Nigerian politics. Many sincere advocates are still clamoring for a genuine national conference or, better still, a conference for all Nigerian nationalities where people would jaw-jaw on the modalities for national cohesion ­ the surest initiation towards NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT. This no doubt has necessitated a new appraisal of the Nigerian nation.

As it stands today, the Nigerian nation is not yet born. And to my mind it is roundly deceptive to claim (as we do today) to be nationalistic where a nation does not exist. A number of studies on whether Nigeria is a nation or not has been written. "20 But I contend that the historical reality is that the so-called Nigerian nationhood was founded on absolute fraud. Even some of the British colonialists could not hold back the truth about the defects of the Lugardian amalgamation of 1914 that formally inaugurated a nation that was bound to fail. For example, Nicholson, a former colonial Administrator in Nigeria once declared that the most significant thing about the amalgamation was that it never took place. Thus, until Richards's constitution in 1947 (33 years after Amalgamation), the Northern and Southern representatives were not brought together in one legislative chamber. Therefore, the people in the two protectorates remained strangers to one another though co-habiting the same country!

Most importantly, the reality today is that ethnic nationalism often intrudes rudely into 21st century Nigerian politics. This is why, like most new nations, the most challenging issue facing Nigeria today is the establishment of institutional arrangements that can effectively deal with ethnic diversity and allow population groups to co-exist peacefully and productively. With the incessant chaos, disharmony and disunity, the aspiration of the people to evolve into viable nation will remain an effort in futility. The Nigerian situation is almost hopeless, as a recently released United States intelligence report "21 (though bluntly attacked) suggested. The situation is however still amenable if both the leadership and the people can return to the basics, delve deeply into the Nigerian past, draw necessary lessons and take appropriate popular actions.

Every generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission and fulfill or betray it. And the surest way to fulfill Nigeria's developmental mission is for new leadership to break new ground. The foremost action will ultimately mean to extirpate the imperial legacies of political servitude and economic dependency on the mother country (Britain) and other western nations. History has shown that those African leaders (referred to by Fanon as the national bourgeoisie or national middle class) who took over power from the former colonial regimes did not replace those colonial legacies but rather built solidly on them.

They conveniently (due largely to their intellectual and spiritual penury) stepped into the shoes of the former European settlers as doctors, barristers, traders, commercial travelers, general agents, and transport agents. They further insisted that all the big foreign companies should pass through their hands. Hence, "the national middle class discovers its historic missions: that of intermediary. "22

Linking this past inglorious act of the African national leadership to the present predicament Fanon stated further:

Seen through its (national middle class) its mission has nothing to do with transforming the nation. It remains the transmitting line between the nation and the mother camouflaged, which today puts on the masque of Neo colonialism. "23

Before a country can evolve into a nation, defined by Prof. Wole Soyinka as "a unit of humanity with common ideology," it must be ready to shed its entire colonial burden and supplant all its super structures such as law, economy, social structures, and politics with well self-developed structures. It must also develop the brains of its inhabitants by imbuing in them necessary skills and an enduring sense of history, which will establish long-lasting national consciousness. As I have alluded earlier: the living expression of the nation is the moving consciousness of the whole people; it is the coherent, enlightened action of men and women. "24The collective building up of destiny is the assumption of responsibility on the historical scale. Otherwise there is anarchy, repression, and the recrudescence of ethnic nationalism.

The historic place of people as a unit cannot be over-emphasized in the evolution and development of any nation. Recognizing this fact Fanon submits:

The greatest task before us is to understand at each moment what is happening in our country. We ought not to cultivate the exceptional or seek for a hero, who is another form of leader. We ought to uplift the people; we must develop their brains; fill them with ideas; change them into human being."25

All these can be realized by giving the people a dose of political education. Indeed, this is a compulsory pre-condition for the evolution of a viable nation. To educate people politically means opening their minds, awakening them, and allowing the rebirth of their intelligence. It’s also entails trying relentlessly and passionately to teach the masses that everything depends on them; that if we stagnate it is their responsibility, and that if we develop it is due to them too. In summary, to educate the masses politically is to make the totality of the nation a reality to each citizen. It is to make the history of the nation part of the personal experience of each of its citizens."26

History abounds with nations that evolved and developed as the full expression of their citizens. And the commonest denominator of these nations is the exploitation and utilization of their cultural history. As a result of this unity of purpose, the nation’s then evolve as human communities which, when the chips are down, collectively command the loyalty of the people over the claims of lesser communities within it. As it has been established earlier, all nations are products of their past and there is no way they can move forward without taking into consideration their history and their peculiar circumstances. This is the debt all nations that seek peace, stability, and development owe to the past."27 This is because history provides the foundation on which the development of each nation is built. This explains why most developed countries in the world ensure that the discipline of history does not suffer decline and continues to retain its pride of place in their universities. More importantly, history has always been used to provide political education for leadership elites in such societies. Each nation then develops its own historiography, which is essentially nationalistic."28

This is true of British historiography as well as American historiography, Chinese historiography, French historiography, Russian historiography, Japanese historiography, and German historiography. American historiography, for instance, lauds the virtues of American institutions in impregnating Americans with the notion that to be an American is the greatest blessing God can confer on a human being."29 This aspect of history can be carried to an extreme, such as was done by Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler before and during WWII and George Walker Bush in the demolition of Iraq. The abuse of history is always a possibility especially during bitter contests among nations. It must however be mentioned that leaders not only exploit national feeling during crises but also during peace, especially in their collective efforts towards national development. What is clear in all this is that history is deliberately utilized for nation building. This, I strongly believe, is the major difference between the advanced nations and those that are still in their embryonic stage such as Nigeria."30


The past of the people of Nigeria, like most of their African kith and kin, has placed an almost inescapable burden on them. This ugly past is characterized with successive evils ­ four hundred years of slavery and slave trade; several centuries of imperialism / colonialism; and continuing neo-colonialism. And according to EH Carr, "the past which a historian studies is not a dead past, but a past which in a sense is still living in the present."31 This naturally translates to the fact that for the people to solve the present multifaceted developmental problems bedeviling the country, the past must always be involved. This is essential because "… if men of the future are ever to break the chains of the present, they will have to understand the forces that forged them."32 To achieve this, the people must be well endowed with historical knowledge which is based on recollection, retrieval, and the reconstruction of their past. This is rooted in the fact that time past is part of time present and time present is part of time future. In other words, human society is one long continuum and to appreciate the present, one must know what happened in the past.33

It must be mentioned at this juncture that at the formative stages of modern African countries (Nigeria inclusive), history was an important factor in efforts towards national development. Indeed, some western commentators described the Ibadan school of History as a nationalist reaction to people like Trevor Roper and others who said Africa had no history. In acknowledgement of this outstanding nationalistic role, Prof. Niyi Osundare recently opined that:

The Ibadan School of History re-invented African history and African Historiography and shamed the racist notion that humanity's oldest continent was a place without a past. University of Ibadan became the Mecca for scholars of African History all over the world."34

This great school, together with very negligible percentage of Western Africanists who were more objective, began through a series of studies and writings to establish African History as a worthy part of universal scholasticism. Their writings equally provided early nationalists with not only a psychological power boost but also gave them much-needed inspiration in their struggle for political independence. Regrettably, the party did not last for long. As the Irish poet once lamented, things have changed, and changed utterly. "35Since independence, the Ibadan school of History, just like its parent the University of Ibadan, has remained shadow of its old self. As a result, the school lost the opportunity of continuing to inspire the task of nation building of Nigeria.

The problems of African historiography, Nigerian history, and particularly "the Ibadan school of history" have been subjected to in-depth intellectual scrutiny for a long time. So, rather than discussing these problems again, I will attempt to bring out new insights towards making history more relevant in Nigeria and to suggest ways to imbue her inhabitants with sense of national consciousness.

Recommendations and Suggestions

While lamenting the languishing level of the University of Ibadan, Professor Niyi Osundare submitted:

Today, our university and the evil system that has brought it to its knees need nothing but the sharp edge of excoriative word; nothing but the truth whose sharpness heals like the surgical knife "36.

Nothing short of this could rescue the visibly enfeebled discipline of history in Nigeria from imminent extinction and equally catapult history back in to national consciousness for overall development. To my mind, there are two angles to this issue, namely the Historians and Government's angles. "37

In terms of the Historians, it is necessary for history to return to its pride of place as prime motivator of national consciousness and as the bedrock of all humanities in Nigeria, and to do that Nigerian historians must braze up and chart a new course for the once ennobled discipline. One of the best ways to achieve is to stop talking and writing about the discipline of history as if it is a human being. This personification should give way to the returning of Nigerian people to their rightful place as the makers of their own history. "38This is embedded in the fact that it is humans who makes history and not vice versa, as Karl Marx once argued:

History does nothing, it does not possess immense riches, it does not fight battles. It is real living men who do all this, who possess things and fight battles. It is not "history" which uses men as means of achieving as if it were an individual person its own ends."39

As a corollary to reviving the historical discipline from its present doldrums, there must be a historical reawakening which would be championed by Nigerian historians. This must start from the minds and mouths of the Nigerian historians through constant self-criticism, for "if we could first know where we are and whither we are tending we could better judge what to do, and how to do it. "40

For instance, a critical evaluation of the history of the "Ibadan school of history" (where it all started) which is currently enmeshed in decay reveals that the school was in the past the pride of the Nation. Ever since, the seeds of discord that are currently dividing Nigerian historians have been sown. Ever since, the atrocious tradition of using history as means of achieving personal ends and later dumping it has firmly taken root.

Ever since, the idea of diverting books, funds, scholarship / fellowship opportunities (especially international ones) meant for the development of the department, has been on course. Ever since, the system of exploitation of the junior colleagues, students (especially post-graduate) by senior colleagues who are too busy and too big to carry out research or to teach but have the time to pursue private contracts, international fellowships, and political appointments has been operational.

Ever since, the anti-intellectual idea of either fencing out the best brains or frustrating the ones within the system to the point of paralysis has been within the tradition. This clearly explains the current catastrophic dwarfism in historical scholarship in Nigeria.

The problem is not that the school has problems: the real problem is that many people in the school are not aware of those problems and the few who are are seeking sanctuary in hazy sloganeering. "41For this ugly trend to change, if the future will be great once again for both Nigerian history and historians, they must all stand up for the truth and break the yoke of tradition. One of the best ways to avoid this complicity is to stop being panegyricians or propagandists or mere chroniclers. Historians need to bring out the real lessons of history to Nigerians. The basic historical fact about Nigeria (no matter the distortions and exaltations) is that the country is not yet a nation even after forty­five years of the much touted political or flag lowering independence.

Consequently, the first and the most important work for Nigerians is to collaborate assiduously with other concerned groups on how to ensure the evolution of the Nigerian nation state where people will live first as Nigerians before remembering their ethnic affiliations. "42To achieve this two things become absolutely imperative ­ ideological and cultural revolutions, as Prof. E, A. Ayandele once admonished:

Fellow craftsmen of historical scholarship, it is our duty to convince the governments of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to take two steps as a matter of utmost urgency. Firstly, they should be told that a Nigerian nation not built on upon the cultural heritage and spiritual values of the peoples of Nigeria is necessarily a RICKETY EDIFICE; that a "development" that is primarily technological and economic, with the concomitant unregulated pulverizing Westernism; inexorably inflicts cultural hemorrhage upon the nation and constitutes a terrible homicide; that such a nation is spiritually void, possessing no soul of its own… "43

This assertion, made twenty-six years ago, is more real today than when it was rendered. Governments must be told to revise and reverse their concept of development to a more fundamentally human-centered concept. To achieve this end, a new invigorated humanistic study of how a real Nigerian nation could evolve must be initiated and the present endangered historical studies must be the arrowhead. With this a movement towards the re-invention and rewriting of Nigerian history will be initiated in order to build a sense of belonging in the people.

The government's side of the sad story is quite understandable. As it has been established earlier in this essay, the so-called early Nigerian nationalists (as in most Third World countries) actually acted like the scions of colonial agents ­ heirs apparent to the throne vacated by the erstwhile colonialists. Indeed, they fought tooth and nail for the colonial leftovers; with this, all the legacies of the colonial rule were not only left untouched but were built upon by these short-sighted leaders. One such legacy is the deliberate distortion and devaluation of Nigerian history both as an academic discipline and as a tool for national development. As a result "The apotheosis of independence is transformed into the curse of independence. "44Thus, the colonial power—through its immense resources and the continuous installation of their stooges as leaders—condemns the evolving Nigerian state to permanent regression and the development of underdevelopment.

Nigerian unity thus descended rapidly to what Fanon called a vague formula, "45 and yet the people were passionately attached to it especially during their struggle for political independence. No sooner than this vague freedom was attained, this unity crumbled into regionalism inside the hollow shell of nationality itself. Ever since, the national leadership has remained unpardonably egoistic and outrageously irresponsive to the plight of average citizens. With the neglect of history, the leadership simply proved to be incapable of forging national unity or building up a truly viable Nigerian nation within stable and productive parameters. The National Front, which forced colonialism to withdraw, cracked up and wasted the victory it had gained. This aggressive anxiety among the early nationalist to occupy the posts left vacant by the departure of the foreigners have left scars of violence on both religious and tribal lines, and further explains why violence still constantly features in the people's day to day existence. "46

If Nigerian leaders in the past were guilty of tinkering with history to such an extent that transformation of the nation became impossible, the present crop of leaders are guilty of utilizing facts of history not only to distort Nigerian history but also to keep the country permanently a creeping giant.


In conclusion, one must avoid the tactical error of concluding that the inability of people to draw serious lessons from history is peculiar to Nigeria. In the words of Georg Hegel: What experience and history teach is this, that nations and governments have never learned anything from history or acted upon any lessons they might have drawn from it. "47

Though many may disagree with this Hegelian philosophy of life, few will disagree with the historical fact that people do seem to have severe difficulty learning anything form history. As regards Nigeria, which is the focus of this essay, my last words will be in form of admonition to Nigerian historians: they must break away from their current inhibiting factors and work in alliance with other sincere scholars with similar ideas and intentions to dismantle the present leadership of the country and chart a new course for the emergence of new leadership. This task is not going to be easy but is definitely not impossible. Failure to do so will continue to tame not only the historical discipline but also national development.

Biographical Note: Olusoji Oyernanmi is a doctoral candidate in History at the University of Ibadan in Ibadan, Nigeria. He is also an associate lecture in History at Ibadan University and at Olabisi Onabanjo University in Ago Iwoye. He teaches and researches in the fields of African historiography, developmental history, diplomatic history, and urban, environmental, and economic history.


1 See G.W.F. Hegel, Lectures on the Philosophy of World History, translated by H. B. Nisbet with an introduction by Duncan Forbes. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975).

2 Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln; The Prairie Years and The War Years. (New York, Dell Publishing Co.Incorporation, 1939), 13.

3 In every literate society, from the earliest times till now, there are professional historians whose responsibility is to remember and keep records of the most important happenings of the past. This is also the same in preliterate societies: for example we have the "griots" of Western Sudan; "Kwadwom" Singers of Asante; the "Arokin" of Oyo and many other specially trained traditional historians. But the difference lies in the fact that while the former relied on written evidence the latter, due to the absence of writing, depended solely on oral evidences.

4 See "The Place of History in National Development" a lecture delivered by Prof. Jide Osuntokun at a conference of History Teachers Association of Nigerian Colleges of Education at Oyo state College of Education, Oyo on Monday, 10/3/2002, p. 2.

5. See the contribution of Prof. Adebayo Adedeji, "The Nigerian Nation State. Cohabitation without Marriage?" in Olufemi Eperokun (eds), Nigeria's Bumpy Ride into 21st Century. (Ibadan, The House of Lords Nigeria, 1999), 148.

6. J. F. A. Ajayi, History and The Nation and Other Addresses. (Ibadan, Spectrum Books Ltd.), 41.

7. For Full Details on Discourse on Development and Underdevelopment in Africa see Walter Rodney, How Europe underdeveloped Africa (London: Bogle ­ L Ouverture Publishers, 1986), 9 ­ 39.

8. For instance, see E. H. Carr, What is History? (Hardmonsworths, Middlesex, Penguin Books 1961); Lord Acton, "Inaugural Lecture on the study of History" delivered at Cambridge, June 1985; Fritz Stern (ed): The Varieties of history: from Voltaire to The Present. (London, Macmillan and Co Ltd. 1970); Arthur Marwick (ed), The Nature of History. (London, Macmillan, 1976); B. Olatunji Oloruntimehin, History and Society, University of Ife inaugural lecture series, 1976; Bassey W. Andah "In Search of Traditional African History," keynote address at the 28th Annual Congress of the Historical Society of Nigeria at Ilorin, 2nd March 1983.

9. Quoted from "The Debt we owe the past" a lecture delivered by Prof. G. O. Olusanya at the 1st Eminent lecture series organized by the students' Historical society of Nigeria, University of Ibadan on 28th October 1998, pp. 2 -3.

10. For details on the authenticity or otherwise of the "Nigerian Nation" See Michael Crowder, The Story of Nigeria (London: Faber and Faber, 1972); B. J. Dudley, Politics and Crisis in Nigeria. (Ibadan: Ibadan University Press, 1973); H. C. Bretton, Power and stability in Nigeria: The Politics of decolonization. (New York: Nok Publishers, 1962); J. F. A. Ajayi, Milestones in Nigerian History. (Ibadan: Longman, 1980); Obaro Ikime, In Search of Nigerians changing patterns of inter-group relations in an evolving nation-state. (Nsukka: Impact Publishers, 1985); Ojukwu Emeka, Because I am involved, Ibadan. (Spectrum Books, 1989): Oshun Olawale, Clapping with one hand: June 12 and the crisis of a State- nation. (London: Jose Publishers, 1999)

11. Dare Babarinsa, House of War: the story of Awo's followers and The Collapse of the Second Republic. (Ibadan and Lagos: Spectrum Books and Tell Communications, Ltd., 2003),12; The Historia: A Journal of the Student's Historical Society of Ibadan, University of Ibadan Chapter, 1999, 4; and John M. Mabaku et al, Ethnicity and Governance in The Third World. (London: Ashgate Publishing, 2001) 2.

12. This intelligence report was widely reported by both foreign and local media in Nigeria but the current writer obtained his fact from the United States embassy in Nigeria official website: on June 22, 2006.



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4. Marketing Management: LP technique enables the marketing manager in analyzing the audience coverage of advertising based on the available media, given the advertising budget as the constraint. It also helps the sales executive of a firm in finding the shortest route for his tour. With its use, the marketing manager determines the optimal distribution schedule for transporting the product from different warehouses to various market locations in such a manner that the total transport cost is the minimum.

5. Financial Management: The financial manager of a firm, mutual fund, insurance company, bank, etc. uses the LP technique for the selection of investment portfolio of shares, bonds, etc. so as to maximize return on investment.

6. Blending Problem: LP technique is also applicable to blending problem when a final product is produced by mixing a variety of raw materials. The blending problems arise in animal feed, diet problems, petroleum products, chemical products, etc. In all such cases, with raw materials and other inputs as constraints, the objective function is to minimize the cost of final product.




Theoretically, development plans of any sort involve deliberate efforts on the part of government to speed up the process of social and economic development of a country. In some countries, such as the former Soviet Union with a socialist ideology, the development plan efforts were usually found to be rewarding, as the government was able to intervene directly and extensively in the lives of the people (Ogunjimi, 1997:97). Similarly, in other countries like the mixed advanced Western economies and many developing countries with a purely capitalist ideology, the economy is structured in such a way that though the interventionist role of the government is usually relatively small, there is always emphasis on the provision of a policy framework (i.e through development plans) within which the economy and other sectors operate. What this means is that, in all areas of the economy, the need for a general framework in form of development plans cannot be overemphasized.

The essence of planning by government, therefore, is that it cloud make a conscious choice regarding the rate and direction of growth. The most logical interpretation of this is that the relative rates at which heavy industry, light industry, agricultural improvement, transport and commerce, housing and the like are to be pursued become a matter of conscious policy (Ayinla, 1998:21). It is therefore reasonable to say here that, through a national comprehensive plan, it will be possible to make rational decisions to achieve deliberate, consistent and well-balanced action towards socio-economic development and good governance.

The successful implementation of many projects before and after independence and up to a point in the history of Nigeria as a nation was due substantially to the strategy of pursuing economic and social development through periodic national development plans. The history of development plans in Nigeria can be traced to the colonial era when the British Colonial Office mandated the colonies to prepare development plans for the disbursement of the Colonial Development and Welfare Funds in 1940. Thereafter, a body known as the National Economic Council was set up in 1955 to co-ordinate the nation’s growth in line with the recommendation of the World Bank Mission to Nigeria. This eventually led to the preparation of a National Development Plan for Nigeria in 1959.

The main objective of the 1959 Development Plan was the achievement and maintenance of the highest possible rate of increase in the standard of living and the creation of necessary conditions to this end. Since 1960 therefore, Nigeria has formulated and launched development plans which had made it possible for governments to articulate policies in the following areas: equitable distribution of income; increase in employment opportunities; improved social services; and efficient allocation of available resources to eliminate waste (Ayinla, 1998:41).

Preparing and implementing development plans thus became one of the ways by which successive governments in Nigeria before and after the country’s independence have been trying to better the socio-economic and political conditions of Nigerian citizens. This is because the policies contained in such development plans touch on the various aspects of the society, which include the political, economic, educational, social and agricultural sectors (Olaniyi, 1998:104). Good as this may sound, in 1986, there was a gradual movement towards a cessation of national development plans in Nigeria. It is important to note that this has made the business of governance haphazard in the country. It is against this background that this paper sets out to examine the implications of neglecting development plans in Nigeria. In order to achieve this objective, the paper covers the following sub-areas: the history of development plans in Nigeria; the journey towards neglecting development plans in Nigeria; the implications of cessation of development plans on the mandate of democracy; and summary and recommendations.

The History of Development Plans in Nigeria

The history of conscious planning for development in Nigeria can be traced to the colonial days. To be specific, it has its origin in 1946 when the colonial government introduced what it tagged “Ten Year Plan of Development and Welfare for Nigeria”. This was under the Colonial Development and Welfare Fund. Under this historic Development Plan, a total planned expenditure of an equivalent of N110 million for a period of ten years was earmarked for the period starting from April 1, 1946 to March 31, 1956 (Ogunjimi, 1997:97). Analyzing the focus of the ten-year Development Plan, Ayo (1988:1) observes that the plan focused on building a transport and communication system, while little provision was made for industrial development. He notes further that this first development plan was also selective in its focus on agriculture, as attention was concentrated on a limited range of cash crops, which include cocoa, palm products, cotton, groundnut and timber. An important conclusion which one can draw from the analysis given by Ayo is that the Colonial Development Plan for Nigeria was meant to serve the interest of the colonial masters rather than that of the colony (i.e. Nigeria).

This foreign-centered development plan, however, did not run its full term because, by 1950, the inappropriateness of charting development over a period as long as ten years in a country experiencing rapid structural changes had become evident. Consequently, a decision was taken to break the plan period into two five-year sub-periods and to formulate a new plan for the sub-period 1950-1956. However, the introduction of a federal system of government affected this revision as each of the regional governments became autonomous and adopted different economic policies. The consequence of this, as can be noted from the work of Olaniyi (1998:106), the launching of a five-year development plan for the period 1955-1960 to be implemented by the Federal Government for itself. The plans reviewed above constitute the pre-independence development plans. Whatever their weakness, the fact remains that they constitute the beginning of the practice of development planning in Nigeria.

Since independence in 1960, Nigeria has formulated and launched other development plans, which, of course, were more comprehensive than the pre-independence plans. They were comprehensive because such plans were conceived and formulated within the framework of improved system of national accounts. Besides, they covered the operations of both the public and private sectors of the economy; and, more importantly, they had their projects related to a number of well-articulated overall economic targets. Therefore, between 1960 and 1985, there were four development plans in Nigeria which were referred to as the First, Second, Third and Fourth National Development Plans. Each of these development plans had its own focus and well-articulated objectives which had far-reaching effects on the nation’s developmental aspirations.

The First National Development Plan was launched in April 1962 and was to cover a period of six years (1962-68). Under this plan, a total investment expenditure of about N2.132 billion was proposed. Out of this, public-sector investment was expected to be about N1.352 billion, while the remaining investment expenditure of N780 million was to be undertaken by the private sector. The full implementation of this development plan was however interrupted by two major political events, namely, the military intervention in 1966 and the 1967-70 civil war. Consequently, the period of the plan was extended to March 31, 1970. These major interruptions notwithstanding, both the Federal Government and regional governments recorded a number of landmark achievements during the development plan period. During the crisis period, the Federal Government alone successfully executed projects like the Oil Refinery in Port Harcourt, the Paper Mill, the Sugar Mill and the Niger Dam (in Jebba and Bacita respectively), the Niger Bridge, and ports’ extension, while it also constructed a number of trunk ‘A’ roads. It is interesting to note that it was also during this period that the first-generation universities were established: Ibadan and Lagos by the Federal Government, Ahamdu Bello University by the Northern Nigerian Government , University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) by the Eastern Nigerian Government and the University of Ife (now known as the Obafemi Awolo University) by the Western Nigerian Government.

The federal and regional governments were able to achieve this much in spite of the crisis because, during the period, the annual capital budgets operated within the development plan framework. They were employed as the main instrument of control and allocation of development resources (Ogunjimi, 1997:98). This was in itself made possible by the existence of a development plan which provided guidelines for meaningful and co-coordinated development during the plan period despite two political crises.

General Yakubu Gowon launched the Second National Development Plan in 1970 on behalf of the Federal Government and the government of the then twelve states of the federation. It was launched shortly after the end of the war. Because it was a post-war development plan, its focus was on the reconstruction of a war-battered economy and the promotion of economic and social development in the new Nigeria. What this means, according to Olaniyi (1988:107), is that the philosophy of the plan was consequently influenced by the exigencies of the war, which include the building of a united, strong and self-reliant nation; a great and dynamic economy; a just egalitarian society; a land of bright and full opportunities for all citizens; and a free and democratic society.

Like the First National Development Plan, the Second National Development Plan also recorded a number of major projects, which were successfully executed by both the federal and state governments. Such projects include the successful construction of many federal roads; the successful take-off of the National Youth Service Corps scheme; the introduction of federal scholarship and loan schemes for Nigerian students, etc.

General Gowon also launched the Third National Development Plan on behalf of all governments in the country. The plan covered a five-year period from April 1975 to March 1980. Ayinla (1998:86) describes this plan as a watershed in the evolution of economic planning in Nigeria. It was a unique development plan because, apart from its huge initial investment of about N30 billion (which was later revised to N43.3 billion), extensive consultations with the private sector of the economy were made in the course of its preparation.


The cardinal objectives of this plan were also part of its uniqueness. Such objectives include increase in per capital income during the plan period; more even distribution of income; reduction in the level of unemployment; diversification of the economy; balanced development; and indigenization of economic activities. As laudable as the objectives of this development plan were, the implementation was adversely affected by the change of government in July 1975, barely three months after the plan was launched. In particular, the change of government led to a reappraisal of some of the cardinal objectives is contained in the plan. Here, more emphasis was placed on those projects which were thought to have direct effects on the living standard of the common man. Sectors that were thus given priority included agriculture, water supply, housing and health (Olaniyi, 1998:108).

The Fourth National Development Plan, (1981-85) was launched by President Shehu Shagari in 1981 on behalf of the Federal Government and the governments of the then nineteen states of the federal. This was the first plan to be formulated by a democratically elected government under a new constitution based on the presidential system of government. As observed by Ogunjimi (1997:100), the plan was intended to further the process of establishing a solid base for the long-term economic and social development of Nigeria. Unlike the previous development plans, the fourth plan was the first in which the local governments were made to participate at two levels. One, they participated at the level of preparation, and two, they were allowed to have their own separate programmes under the plan. The capital investment target was N82.2 billion shared between the public and private sectors with the former putting in about N70.5 billion, while the latter put in the balance of N11.7 billion.

The Fourth Development Plan was a gain affected by the change of government in 1983 and by yet another change in 1985. These two changes seriously disrupted the implementation of the programmes of the plan and, consequently, the performance of the economy during the fourth plan period was generally poor. Whatever the case (success or failure), it is interesting to note that between 1945 and 1986, the concept of development planning was common: planning for social and economic development in Nigeria. Beyond the end of this period, this concept gradually faded away and has now become a thing of the past.


The Journey towards Neglecting

Development Plans in Nigeria

It is important to note the real journey towards neglecting the tradition of development planning in Nigeria started with the Babangida administration. In response to the problems encountered during the Fourth Development Plan period, the Babangida administration suspended in October 1988 the idea of a five-year development plan, which had hitherto almost become a well-established traditions. At the end Fourth Development Plan in December 1985, a one-year economic emergency programme was instituted in 1986 probably to solve some obvious economic problems left behind by the Shagari administration. Interestingly, this was later absorbed by an economic policy christened the Structural Adjustment Programme (SPA). According to the apologist of SAP, the programme was introduced in 1986 for the economy to have a foundation before any meaningful planning could be done.

The Babaginda administration then believed that because the economy was largely indebted, the basis for planning was eroded. The government therefore wanted to do away with the already practiced medium-term planning and consequently introduced a perspective known as rolling plan. Based on this, the government decided on a 20-year perspective plan for the period 1989-2008. According to the philosophy of this rolling plan, the first phase of the perspective plan would constitute the Fifth National Development Plan. With this structural change of policy, the five-year planning model was replaced with a three-year rolling plan to be operated along with a 12 to 20 year perspective plan and the normal operational annual budgets. This plan become operational with the 1989 budget and it provided the foundation for the three-year rolling plan (1989-90-91). In order to effectively executive this programme, some fundamental reforms was the merging of budgetary and planning functions with the sole objective of minimizing conflict between the two (Ogunjimi, 1997:101; Ayinla, 1998:23; Ilesanmi, 2000:6).

According to the architects of this rolling plan programme, it was considered to be more suitable for an economy facing uncertainty and rapid change. The rolling plan was meant to be revised at the each end of each year, at which point estimates, targets and project were added for an additional year. What this means is that planner revised the 1990-92 three-year rolling plan at the end of 1990, issuing a new plan for 1991-93. In effect, a plan is renewed at the end of each year, but the number of years remains the same as the plan rolls forward. According to Ihonvbere (1991), the objectives of the rolling plan were to reduce inflation and exchange rate instability, maintain infrastructure, achieve agricultural self-sufficiency, and reduce the burden of structural adjustment on the most vulnerable groups.

In the same way that the tradition of five-year development plan was jettisoned by the Babangida administration, the idea of rolling plan was also shelved in 1996 by General Sani Abacha for Vision 2010, which was launched on September 18, 1996. The programme was to systematically improve the quality of life of Nigerians in fourtheen years (Ogunjimi, 1997:107). Although not directly related to the transition programme, the work of Vision 2010, a 250-member committee of private-sector representatives, government ministries, academics, journalists, traditional rulers, trade union leaders and foreign businessmen, among others, inaugurated by General Abacha on November 27, 1996, was similarly intended to move the country forward. The committee was chaired by Chief Ernest Shonekan, who headed a short-lived Interim National Government in 1993 before Abacha seized power (Jukwey, 1996).

Vision 2010 submitted its final report to General Abacha on September 30, 1997. The committee reportedly recommended “large-scale deregulation of the Nigerian economy”, the release of political detainees and rigorous compliance with the transition programme (Jukwey). In his October 1, 1997 National Day address, Abacha promised to introduce the measures required to begin the programme’s implementation immediately, in the firm belief that successive administrations will carry it to a successful conclusion with the support of Nigerian people and friends of the nation (National Day Address, 1997). The fear of Vission 2010 members that their recommendations would not be implemented were justified. Funds for the capital projects budgeted for the first half of 1997 were only released in September, bringing investment in infrastructure and the economy in general to a virtual halt. Massive lay-off of federal and states’ employees throughout the country had caused significant hardship. Pervasive of “failed bank” and “failed contract” tribunals, which seemed to have been designed to target potential opposition supporters rather than crack down on “illegal deals”.

From our discussion so far, it can be seen that the military intervention in 1966 and its subsequent prolonged rule in Nigeria become the genesis of truncating the process of adhering to national development planning as a strategy for economic and social development (Fika, 2004). What the nation has inherited in the absence of well-articulated development plans are budget frauds, road contract scandals, oil scams and unchallenged or unchecked high level of financial corruption at all level government in Nigeria. It is, however, imperative to note here that since the re-commencement of democratic government on May 29, 1999; the administration of President Olusegun Obasanjo has begun a series of bold economic and political reforms to put the country back on a sound economic and political footing.

The Implications for Democracy of Cessation of Development Plan

A democratic dispensation is considered as being so efficacious in pushing the frontiers of development that some authorities see it as being coterminous with government (Oshionebo, 2004:305). In this regard, Boeninger (1991) simply defines governance as


good government of society which guides a country along a course leading to a desired goal, in this case, development.

Development, here, is construed to mean equity, social justice, and the exercise of basic human rights. The point to note, however, is that this perspective acknowledges that democracy has a moral purpose and rationale. This means that the well-being of society is dependent not only upon the correctness and rationality of government policies or plans but also on public confidence that previously settled methods, procedures and rules of politics and government will not be violated or arbitrarily changed but in fact preserved (Obadan, Oshionebo and Uga, 2002).

The British Council (1993) regards democracy as symbolizing “good government”. It sees government as simply the framework of institutions and functionaries or officials that the state uses in running its affairs. A good government is regarded as good if it provides a responsive governmental and state administrative framework that facilitates good governance. Although good governance and economic development must be longer-term goal than good government, the former will be achievable without the latter.

Therefore, good government would, in practice, mean:

(i) A legitimate and representative government following democratic elections.

(ii) an accountable administration and a responsive government characterized by free-flowing information, separation of powers, effective internal and external auditing, low levels of corruption and nepotism, competent officials, realistic policies and low defence expenditure.

(iii) governmental respect for human rights, as indicated by freedom of religion and movement, impartial and accessible criminal justice system, and the absence of arbitrary government power (Oshionebo, 2004:306).

The essence of democracy, therefore, is to provide an organizational platform to tap the potential endowments of society so that opportunities will be generated for an all-round development (Oshionebo, 2003). For a democratic dispensation to perform competently enough to be adjudged “a good, honest government” (Galbraith, 1999) which is essentially “a pivot for responding to citizen expectations” (Cohen, 1995), the government must exercise state power and authority in the context of what Oshionebo (2002) describes as the institution that facilities effective performance appraisal of the policies, programmes and activities of government. Deriving from the foregoing, development plans are indispensable in good governance. As a result, it is logical to assert that the negligence of development plans in Nigeria, as a result of prolonged military intervention, is responsible for the various developmental problems which the country has experienced.

Nigeria’s development reports since independence eloquently point out the link between good governance and societal development. According to these reports, Nigeria is abundantly blessed with enormous human and natural resources that should translate to a decent standard of living. With a population of over 120 million, Nigeria is the most populous country in African and the eleventh in the world (Oshionebo, 2004:304). In spite of these blessings, the poor performance of the Nigerian economy in many sectors is very evident. The real sector (manufacturing and agriculture) is performing rather poorly. While the country still imports a lot of the agricultural produce for consumption, the capacity utilization in industry is around 400/0. The country’s per capita income which was as high as $1,281.4 in 1980, declined continuously to its lowest level of $240.0 in 1992; it stood at around $250.0 in 1995 and at $270.0 in 1997; roughly the same figure as in 1972 (Obadan and Odusola 1999). That figure is still below $300 as at today.

The economy may be experiencing some gains but these are only moderate, particularly given the resource disbursements on the country’s development efforts. As we have seen, Nigeria’s development indices point to a low rate of economic growth, low capacity utilization in the industrial sector, poorly performing utilities/infrastructure and the attendant increase in operating costs, among others. The Nigerian economy is therefore embattled on all fronts and with crises of ramifying description, including energy crisis, education crisis, unemployment crisis, food crisis, transportation crisis, debt crisis and, of course, the crisis of economic management (Oshionebo, 2004:304).

The overall consequence of the macroeconomic problems is the deplorable poverty profile of Nigerians. Indeed, the poverty profile of Nigerians appears to be worsening. The UNDP Human Development Report for 2001 places Nigeria at No. 148 out of the 173 countries surveyed. The situation was marginally compared with the 2003 report, which puts Nigeria at 152 among the 175 countries covered in the survey. Official statistics indicated that the national incidence of poverty has remarkably risen from a modest level of 15 percent in 1960 to 28 percent in 1980. It rose further to 46 percent in 1985 and 66 percent in 1996. As at 2001, it was estimated to stand at over 70 percnet (FRN, 2001 and Obadan, 2001).

These predicaments are no doubt manifestations of neglecting the practice of having development plans, which denies the country the required blueprints for development.

The present administration has made concerted efforts at redressing the various crises and reviving the economy, but the fact remains that in the year 2000, the economy “neither improved nor deteriorated significantly but was static and still low-income, low-growth, with distortions in several areas”. Indeed, President Olusegun Obasanjo made reference to the static nature of the economy while presenting the 2001 Appropriation Bill to the National Assembly in November 2000 when he started, “for this government and most Nigerians, our hard-won democracy is yet to translate into significant improvements in our lives (Taiwo, 2001).

What this means is that the level of development in Nigeria today does not match the level of resources available. This is a result of a high level of corruption, which lack of adequate resource utilization for development has made possible. No society can achieve anything near its full potential if it allows corruption to become a full-blown cancer as it has been in Nigeria.

With the jettisoning of development plans, which today remains one of the greatest tragedies occasioned by military rule, corruption was allowed to grow really unchecked. The rules and regulations for doing official business, which development plans entail, died. Consequently, cynicism, contempt for and cause of integrity pervade every level of the Nigerian bureaucracy, which used to be the vehicle for the execution of development plans in the past. Budgets, which are not tailored towards any development targets, are read without execution. This has provided an avenue for siphoning public funds by those in power. The implication of this is that the practice of reading the annual budget without anything to show for it has eroded public trust in government and undermined the rule of law. It has also weakened the effectiveness of governance at all levels. More importantly, it has hindered economic growth as the nation’s resources meant for development are plundered in an ineffective manner.


Summary and Recommendations

In summary, this paper has traced the history of development planning in Nigeria to the colonial era when the British Colonial Office mandated the colonies to prepare development plans for the disbursement of the Colonial Development and Welfare Funds in 1940. The paper also reported that the setting up of a body known as the National Economic Council thereafter, to co-ordinate the nation’s economic growth in line with the recommendations of the World Bank Mission to Nigeria in 1955, eventually led to the preparation of a National Development Plan for Nigeria in 1959.

The main objective of the 1959 Development Plan, as discussed in this paper, was the achievement and maintenance of the highest possible rate of increase in the standard of living as well as creating the required conditions for the achievement of the above-stated objective. The objectives of development plans that later followed the 1959 plan were the same. Indeed, with the various plans, the country was able to articulate policies that directly touched on the lives of common people in the country.

From our discussion, it has been shown that at a point around 1986, there began some signs of inconsistency in the implementation of development plans, which ultimately led to a total abandonment of the tradition of having development plans. This has been found to be one of the major factors militating against good governance in Nigeria, the business of governance began to be haphazardly conducted, while the quality of life began to decline.

The paper has reported that as a result of the cessation of development plans in Nigeria, the country has suffered some negative consequences among which are deplorable poverty profile and unchecked high level of corruption. The implication of all these is hindrance of economic growth because the country’s resources, which are to be used for development, are being plundered.

To remedy the negative consequences, it is hereby recommended that the present democratic government should go back to the old practice of formulating national and state budgets in the context of comprehensive development plans. To this end, there is the need for the following institution to be established or, where they are already in existence, they must be strengthened. First is the establishment of a National Council on Development Plans. This council, to be chaired by the President, should, among other things:

· supervise the implementation of national development plans;

· ensure harmonization of existing policy measures with the future development objectives and strategies;

· ensure effective and consistent dissemination of the development plan vision to institutions and the wider public; and

· co-ordinate and monitor all inter-sectoral related activities spanning rural development, poverty alleviation, water supply, urban and rural environmental sanitation, health, education, agriculture, control of population growth, electricity supply, communications, transportation, etc

Secondly, to ensure the success of the development plans in Nigeria, corruption must be eliminated. Consequently, it is suggested that all laws on corruption should be strengthened. Institutions such as the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences’ Commission (ICPC) and Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) should be given more support by the government so that the implementation of development plans at any state will be free of corruption.


Finally, for development plans to lead to good governance, the rules and regulations governing the conduct of government activities must be widely known and understood. In order words, there is the need to develop the culture of transparency in the running of government as an enterprise. To this end, the bureaucratic processes in Nigeria should be developed to facilitate effective governance. This can be done by removing the bureaucratic red tape, which often undermines good governance via policy implementation as embedded in development plans.



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