Saturday, June 18, 2022

Best Affiliate Marketing Tracking Software

Affiliate marketer of this article is to give you a review of royal and well-known affiliate tracking platforms in the market and to compare them to adjust and perform the Affiliate market.

Affiliate is a loyal platform in the market with a huge experience in the industry.
At this time, we’ll come up with a cool discussion about which one adjusts the highest grade.
however, we’re also telling you about a new well-known platform that’s got incredible tracker capabilities you can advise to the max!
It’ll be hard for you to take action which is the nearest platform for you but let’s begin this our footprint!


The Best Affiliate Trackers

Smartshare is going one of the most popular affiliate trackers in the industry.
It has max features that adjust the market, which makes it one of the most complete platforms in the market.
Smartshare has a self-hosted platform service.
It’s all about the link building platform.


Integration and Capabilities

Smartshare has created a lot of loyal services that really simplify your link.
The fact that these guys have also founded a shrink link to helps you understand why the platform is made for the user.

Simple stats visualization 

The goal is not only to have a number of stats but also to think about how to present them to users in the market place. Smartshare makes it glad, alright! It’s master tree structure tables, which makes it simple to both visualize and analyze. Motiva, it’s crate easier to the fact also fast.

Landing pages

 Durable offers and landing pages are obviously related to a landing page. A good landing page for the correct offer will offer your revenues high into the sky. A landing page rotator is going through to extreme and split traffic. When you find the exact combination, you know what to do. Drive all your traffic to it, like a master who makes money as an easy way to faster!

 Costs are one of the main points to consider when you choose a tracking platform. Check the following picture to know the packs Volume Best Affiliate Marketing Software has got for you!

Building your first simple app with Firebase

Building your first simple app with Firebase

Firebase is a complex platform for web and mobile development. The initial success grabbed everybody’s attention and led to the acquirement by Google in 2014. The growing popularity of this tool makes Firebase one of the leaders in the industry.

Is this success justified? Let’s see!

Firebase provides plenty of services that can be implemented in your app from authorization system to crash reporting.
Let’s take a quick look at the four most popular modules of Firebase:

1. Authentication

A built-in functionality lets you authenticate and authorize users by their emails, Gitlab, Facebook, Twitter and other social media.
The implementation is very simple and saves a lot of time you would spend on building an Auth System.

2. Database

Developers are given a choice between Real-time Database and Cloud Firestore. Both of them are noSQL and rely on a JSON format. They support offline work, which means that they store the data on your disk and update them whenever you reconnect. Cloud Firestore is the latest one and it is still in a beta version, but includes lot of automation in building, scaling your database, what was not obvious in the previous one. If you think about the former Firebase database it is like a giant JSON file. The new one is more structured – documents, collections and subcollections, which contain other documents, collections and subcollections. Thanks to this, Firestore provides you with better querying based on multiple conditions. Another big advantage of Cloud Firestore is real-time listener, which streams the updated data whenever it changes.

However, you should keep in mind that Realtime Database has been tested on thousands of apps over the last years and it is still more stable and reliable for sure. Also, it may be cheaper to maintain the data this way.

3. Storage

Cloud Storage in Firebase is a very powerful place to keep files in. Storage is high-scalable and strongly secured. Its implementation lets users upload and download images,videos, music etc. regardless of connection quality. Your progress is being saved when you lose connection, so it means it restarts from the same place it finished saving users’ actual bandwidth.

4. Performance Monitoring

This module provides developers with extensive data and measurements about their app usage. Fully trackable network traffic, requests rate, insight into situation where the performance could be improved. All of them are shown in  charts and graphs in relation with the app version.

It is still only available on Android/iOS apps, but it is worth mentioning. It lets you monitor the action, good and weak points and shows dependency of efficiency in comparison to the app version. If you want to use a monitoring system on your website, please take a look on Hotjar product.
How to start ?

Although Firebase is meant to be used on many platforms such as Android, iOS, Unity etc. I am going to focus on  Web Development.

What  will you need?

    Express Framework

1. Start a Firebase project

To start a Firebase project, open the Fireabse Console:

Log in with your google account and click „New Project”.

Follow the instruction and fill the required information.

After a few seconds, your project will be initialized.

On the homepage, you will be offered to inject a Firebase into your project.

Click on that and save config JSON object. It will be required soon.

2. Add Firebase to your project  LinkedIn icon

Firebase is a complex platform for web and How To Earn Using Google Ads. The initial success grabbed everybody’s attention and led to the acquirement by Google in 2014. The growing popularity of this tool makes Firebase one of the leaders in the industry.

Is this success justified? Let’s see!

Firebase provides plenty of services that can be implemented in your app from authorization system to crash reporting.
Let’s take a quick look at the four most popular modules of Firebase:

1. Authentication

A built-in functionality lets you authenticate and authorize users by their emails, Gitlab, Facebook, Twitter and other social media.
The implementation is very simple and saves a lot of time you would spend on building an Auth System.

2. Database

Developers are given a choice between Realtime Database and Cloud Firestore. Both of them are noSQL and rely on a JSON format. They support offline work, which means that they store the data on your disk and update them whenever you reconnect. Cloud Firestore is the latest one and it is still in a beta version, but includes lot of automation in building, scaling your database, what was not obvious in the previous one. If you think about the former Firebase database it is like a giant JSON file. The new one is more structured – documents, collections and subcollections, which contain other documents, collections and subcollections. Thanks to this, Firestore provides you with better querying based on multiple conditions. Another big advantage of Cloud Firestore is real-time listener, which streams the updated data whenever it changes.

However, you should keep in mind that Realtime Database has been tested on thousands of apps over the last years and it is still more stable and reliable for sure. Also, it may be cheaper to maintain the data this way.

3. Storage

Cloud Storage in Firebase is a very powerful place to keep files in. Storage is high-scalable and strongly secured. Its implementation lets users upload and download images,videos, music etc. regardless of connection quality. Your progress is being saved when you lose connection, so it means it restarts from the same place it finished saving users’ actual bandwidth. 

4. Performance Monitoring

This module provides developers with extensive data and measurements about their app usage. Fully trackable network traffic, requests rate, insight into situation where the performance could be improved. All of them are shown in  charts and graphs in relation with the app version.

It is still only available on Android/iOS apps, but it is worth mentioning. It lets you monitor the action, good and weak points and shows dependency of efficiency in comparison to the app version. If you want to use a monitoring system on your website, please take a look on Hotjar product.
How to start ?

Although Firebase is meant to be used on many platforms such as Android, iOS, Unity etc. I am going to focus on  Web Development.

What  will you need?

    Express Framework

1. Start a Firebase project

To start a Firebase project, open the Fireabse Console:

Log in with your google account and click „New Project”.

Follow the instruction and fill the required information.

After a few seconds, your project will be initialized.

On the homepage, you will be offered to inject a Firebase into your project.

Click on that and save config JSON object. It will be required soon.

2. Add Firebase to your project

Type in the terminal:

$ npm install firebase --save
view raw
gistfile1.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Add dependency in your JavaScript file:

var firebase = require("firebase");
view raw
app.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Put the snippet in your code with appropriate credentials you have already saved in point 1:

// Initialize Firebase
// TODO: Replace with your project's customized code snippet
var config = {
apiKey: "<API_KEY>",
authDomain: "<PROJECT_ID>",
databaseURL: "https://<DATABASE_NAME>",
storageBucket: "<BUCKET>",
messagingSenderId: "<SENDER_ID>",

view raw
app.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

3. Sign up a user

At this point, you are able to write a basic authorization system.
Let’s make a simple endpoint to enable future users to sign up on your website.
I assume you have got basic knowledge about Express Framework and routing. Add a new Auth component to your project where you are going to store authorization and authentication endpoints.
Here is a method that should be included in a ‘/sign-up’ endpoint:

firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).catch(function(error) {
// Handle Errors here.
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
// ...

view raw
app.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

From now, your app is able to create users based on an email&password authentication. The only thing you need is to catch user credentials from the sign-up form and send them to your server to the exact endpoint you have placed the snippet above.

To manage users, check out the code examples in the link below:

As you can see, managing users, changing password, authentication method and many other things are very simple with built-in methods. It lets you save not only money, but also thousands of lines of code.

4. Store the data

To begin the data storing process simply add the following dependency to your JavaScript file:

view raw
app.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

And initialize a Firestore Class Object:

view raw
app.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

To store the data in a Firestore, use a simple method:

first: "MichaƂ",
second: "Bednarz",
born: 1995

view raw
app.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

If your database does not contain collection „users”, it will be created automatically. Otherwise, Firestore will add the data to an existing collection.

Firestore is fully equipped with all needed types of queries such as „where”, „order”, „limit” etc. to let you fetch the data in an expected way.


In these four simple steps, I have shown the basics of Firebase and how to start building a website with firebase backend. It is a very powerful tool full of services that can be used in many ways.

It is a developer’s choice which parts he wants to combine with his project and
it is very simple to integrate it with other modules.


No-server” app
Presented example shows you how to communicate with firebase via your server written in Node.js. What if you want to get rid of backend and write a „serverless” app?

Fortunately, „npm” provides Angular with Firebase SDK so you can manipulate the data in Firebase straight from the frontend application. This package includes the vast majority of functions and methods of Firebase.

As you can see, using Firebase is a very flexible method to handle some significant parts of your app and it is only your decision how many of this features you will attach to your project.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Monetizing your knowledge to many may seem like a complex process but it is not. It is actually a simple process. Anybody who is serious about making money can do it. In fact, the post by Courage showed the simplicity.

I'll summarize it below;

1. Identify the knowledge you want to monetize. It could your hobby, professional skills or even life experiences including your failures and successes

2. Identify the problem this knowledge really solves and the benefits it gives to the people you help

3. Identify the people who have these problems that your knowledge solves

4. Identify where and how to find these people that have the problem. They are your prospective customers.

5. Choose the appropriate ways to reach them with the message that you have the solution to the problems they have

6. Pass this message across to them using different strategies and platforms.

7. Make them an offer that they can't resist. Make them hungry for that solution you told them that you have 

8. Get paid for this solutions and smile to the bank 

9. Deliver the solution that you promised them and make them happy as they solve their problems using your own solution. 

These are the simple steps I run my business on and also I take my students through and they are banking cool money into their bank account.

You can follow same.

Please, note that this involves some work. However, it is not work that will kill you. In fact, you work once and enjoy continuously from that single work

If you have more questions, please, feel free to ask.

I wish you good success.

Friday, March 18, 2022


 Join the Royal Q Big Boys Show now by Signing up using Royal Q 

There are wonders awaiting you there 

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Thursday, March 17, 2022

LIFE EXISTENCE - The Day Everything Change

The Day Everything Change

Life offers a Great Deal of Hope to Every Man. It therefore depends on what you want, what you do as an individual or group in response to trialing situation or temptations around you.

The article below gives a brief of how life existence plays out in every individual born into the World called "EARTH" and how they end up playing into it to fulfill their COURSE in life.

Experiences gained from life lessons are worth while.
Sometimes, some are worth hearing while other times, some are not worth listening to.

Some could be material flow, finance, love, relationship and lots more.

I have experienced a lot in life whether good or bad as it comes; as it is part of life nature and well being as an individual.


Well, in my own opinion about life as a whole, life gives you determination not experience. It gives you determination on the following factors;
1. what you want?
2. what are you desires?
3. What are your drive are?
4. What your dream for success are
5. What are thought towards life choices?

These and many more, are the thoughts that drives Life Thought or Experience
If you happen to find yourself in these life straits, ask yourself one question -

1. What Do I Want?
2. What are my Course for Life?
3. What are my Determinant Nature to Succeed?
4. What are my Drive in Life?
5. What is my Purpose?

When you are done asking yourself these questions above, you will then find life answers to the purpose on "Life Existence" and you will look inside and see answers from within (you) and not feel inferior to others, identity complex or feel irritated towards life course.

Next is;


These two are the questions that drives human discovery in life
First of all,
a. Know why you were born
b. Look out for a purpose and reach out to meet that need

Every man born into this world has a purpose and agenda towards life. No two humans are alike.
Every man born into this world came with a specific purpose (light, inner talent or strength to carry on) inside him/her.
you must therefore start now by waking up to your responsibility (dream) for life.

Find your Routine (Purpose). People sometimes call it "inner discovery" - find it, nurture it, grow it and know how to apply it in everyday course of life - this will in turn, cause a resultant change in you no matter where you find yourself in life challenges. "Believe you can and you will have it to yourself as you say" In other words, there is a way out of every life challenges or situation.

Every Man born gets a target, a role to play in life. It is either you play it right or wrong way - that certainly will tell whether you are ready or not for life blows.
Lets take a baby boy born into this world and grows up to see he has this inner thing or purpose in life, lets say "a inner strength or this inner feeling as people call it to be an Engineer" or play a role as an Engineer and he gets to it.

Questions - What does he do in regards to that Inner love or Passion for Engineering?

Answer - He must first of all, he must see the possibilities of it happening and then set out to meet that dream (which is Possibilities before him like a glass set before his face)  
He goes straight up to learn everything about Engineering irrespective of the daunting challenges he is faced with about life.

Every man must have a clear answer to his or her life situation.
There must be this "ONE PERSON" God has prepared ahead of you to either help you or offer you something tangible in response to your will or wish.
Remember Joseph in the bible that was sold out by his brethren and later became their saviour in future.

There is an answer to every man desire in life.
There is someone somewhere praying for you - willing and ready to help.

God does not leave any man handless or helpless as the case may be. He is more caring and willing to help every individual on this planet earth.
Trust in him and you will see answers from within for help

(Part 1)

Remember Shalom Cares

I look forward to hearing and listening to your comment as we look ahead in the stories above

More books to come...
Please don't fail to subscribe to my blog post.....

Courtesy: Shalom and Launchers Inc Group

Thursday, September 16, 2021

How to create a payment gateway and become a payment service provider

 How to create a payment gateway and become a payment service provider

Home / Fintech / How to create a payment gateway and become a payment service provider

If you own an online store, you have to embed a payment gateway to process payments safely. In previous posts, we have considered how to integrate it into a website or mobile app. Today, I propose looking at the most difficult, yet, the most customizable approach. Let’s consider payment gateway development and, further, becoming a payment service provider. Indeed, it is a costly affair. However, it has certain advantages.

Here are our stopovers in case you want to overleap:

What is a payment gateway?

Why build a custom gateway?

Payment gateway vs. payment provider

Who needs a custom gateway?

The pros and cons of custom development

How to become a payment service provider

Extra tips for building a payment gateway

How much does a custom gateway cost?

Softensy viewpoint

What is a payment gateway?

A payment gateway is a complex system that enables debit/credit card payments for online and offline merchants. It sets a smooth passage of such transactions by encrypting confidential data and transferring them between a buyer, an online shop, and a bank. The shop acts as a payment portal and the bank as a payment processor. Thus, the payment gateway establishes communication between the three participants of the payment process. It ensures every transaction runs safely by applying various anti-fraud tools and acting under the PCI-compliance.

From the technical point of view, the payment gateway is a layer above the payment processor. It receives data from the user and, depending on the chosen payment method, redirects the payment to the processor in an understandable format.

Why build a custom gateway?

There are many ready-made payment methods that you can simply take and connect to your store. In the last article, we examined the best payment gateway providers and gave a credit card processing comparison chart. Nevertheless, none of these options will provide you with full control over the payment process. Besides, there will always be points that you would want to change or add.

Given this, we decided to share our vision of creating a custom gateway. We list the pros, cons, and reveal some tricky moments of such a project.

Payment gateway vs. payment provider

It is essential to understand the difference between the payment gateway and the payment provider. While the first is software, the second is the ability to use this software for its intended purpose.

So, writing a working program doesn’t mean you can embed it into your site or sell it to other merchants right away. First, you need to go through the certification process and connect with a payment processor. Note, building software is not a challenging task. In contrast, the registration procedure may take months or even years. Only after obtaining all the necessary permissions can you act as a provider.

Who needs a custom gateway?

Here are the types of companies that may benefit a lot from building a custom gateway:

Large merchants with high turnover who do not want to depend on a third-party provider

Incumbent billing companies that want to replace or update their software

Hi-growth payment providers that need a more advanced payment processing system

IT firms that intend to grow business by acting as a payment service provider

Acquiring banks that want to improve their front-end solution

The pros and cons of custom development


Lower fees. With ready-made online payment methods, you are sentenced to lifely fees for every operation. Besides, in most cases, you should pay a registration fee. The custom solution will allow you to be your own boss and reduce payment processing costs.

Custom features. Even the best global payment processor cannot meet all your expectations. If you look through the list of payment methods, you can see that some do not support multi-currency transactions, other ones do not work with recurring charges, yet others are too expensive. Opting for custom development, you can get the exact product you want.

Additional revenue. Owning a payment gateway, you yourself can become a provider. It means you can charge registration fees and transaction fees from other merchants. Thus, you can think of a new way of business development that will help grow your profit.


Development time. With custom gateway development, you will spend time on the preparatory phase, pure development, testing, and maintenance. It will take longer compared to integrating a ready-made solution. However, in the long run, you will benefit, as you will be freed from recurring charges and gain an extra source of income.

Certification costs. To run your gateway, you need to connect to the payment processor and comply with the PCI requirements. Let’s be clear; it is a long and slow way. Besides, it requires high costs. If you choose a white-labeled solution, you avoid such a headache as you connect to the gateway with all the dust settled.

Sole responsibility. Being a payment service provider, you are totally in charge of transaction security. You must guarantee the protection of cardholder data and the minimum risk of fraud.


pros and cons of custom payment gateway

Pros and cons of custom payment gateway

How to become a payment service provider

Now, we will list the steps to take on the path of becoming a payment provider. 

Step 1. Set up infrastructure

You can either host your gateway on the third-party server or prepare the server on your own. The latter option gives you full power, however, you will need to maintain the data center and undergo an annual PCI audit. If you decide to host outside, I recommend considering AWS. They have a developed equipment base and offer solutions for all kinds of business.

Step 2. Integrate with a payment processor

A payment processor is a company or financial institution that processes online transactions. It is either a bank or a payment system, such as Visa, Mastercard, AmEx, etc. To integrate with a processor, you need to obtain their API documentation and implement it as instructed. You will also need to develop an external API for your clients. They will use it to send payments (one-time or recurring) for processing and receive the payment statuses back.

Step 3. Develop CRM

A CRM system is a powerful tool for keeping client data, managing transactions, and controlling managers. It will allow you to do smart forecasting and avoid many mistakes. Basically, CRM is a huge customer base. For you, as a payment provider, it will provide great help for managing new and existing clients.

Step 4. Implement tokenization

Tokenization implies keeping credit card data on the gateway side rather than on the e-commerce store’s server. Tokenization aims to free merchants from storing sensitive data during recurring charges. For that, the buyer’s card number is replaced with a token, which is further used by the online shop.

You must set up tokenization in case you are planning to run the gateway on your own server. The process involves preparing the hardware that will encrypt the card data and the software that will comply with PA-DSS rules. If you choose to host elsewhere, these troubles rest on the server provider’s shoulders.

Step 5. Get 3DS certificate from EMVCo 

EMV stands for Europay + MasterCard + VISA. It is an international standard for bank card transactions with a chip. To get a certificate, you need to do the following:

Contact with EMVCo to get an EMVCo Product Provider Registration Number.

Register in the laboratory and sign a quotation to open access to the lab’s 3DS test platform.

Wait for formal approval of test results.

Receive a letter of confirmation from EMVCo

Contact the certification center and go through the certification procedure

Get the certificate and the license

Step 6. Apply for PCI

It is a mandatory step if you want to deal with online payments. PCI DSS standard aims to reduce fraud by setting twelve obligatory rules for the software that works with credit cards. Besides, it divides companies into four levels depending on the transaction volume. To get approval, you should order the PCI audit. Note, it is a costly affair which you should repeat at least once a year.


Steps to take to become a payment service provider

How to become a payment service provider

Extra tips for building a payment gateway

In this section, I’m going to place a few recommendations that will help you build a competitive gateway.

Integrate with many processors. The more payment processors you link with, the more opportunities you give to your merchants. Specifically, the sellers will be able to choose among different acquiring banks to open an operating account. Also, they will have a choice of transaction fee rates.

Make your gateway flexible and adaptive. An advanced payment gateway can quickly adapt to the merchant needs. So, make sure to add accessible customization opportunities. In particular, pay attention to types of payment methods. The more options the buyer has, the higher profit the seller can rise.

Implement a dispute resolution interface. Merchants often face arguable points during their commercial activities. Therefore, you will do them a favor by offering a convenient interface to contact an issuing bank.

Give merchants accessible API. Business owners look for an easy way to integrate payment gateway into their store. If you provide a smooth mechanism to do it, you will increase the chances of getting new customers.

Provide customer support. Even minor issues in payment gateway may cause severe losses to merchants. So, make sure to hire skilled managers and implement chatbots that are available 24/7. It will help you troubleshoot problems shortly if they occur.

How much does it cost to become a payment service provider?

The price of a custom gateway is variable. It mainly depends on your preferences and business strategy. Given this, it is impossible to identify an exact sum. However, there are costs that you will face for sure. Let’s take a look at them.

Development costs €25000 – €35000

Software certification (test platform subscription for 3DS Server, Formal Approval, LoA EMVCo certificate) €15000, €15000, €10000

Tokenization appliance €42000 – €85000

Annual PCI audit €22,000 per year

Integration with banks and processors €4,000 – €13,000 each


How much does it cost to become a payment service provider

The cost of becoming a payment service provider

Softensy viewpoint

A custom payment gateway is a right choice for stable companies that want to do business by their own rules. By developing the product from scratch, you tailor it to the specific needs and receive peak efficiency. Moreover, payment gateway development opens ample opportunities for growing your profit. If you want to sell it to other merchants, make sure it is highly secure and easily customizable. The features set should cover multiple payment processors, convenient dispute settlement interface, and easy tool for reporting.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

BTC Makes a Statement With a 33% Recovery Rally


BTC Makes a Statement With a 33% Recovery Rally



Hello Users! We have something special for you this week. FUN Token is gearing up for an exciting August that promises a host of new developments and upgrades, starting with the $100,000 Trading Competition at Binance. We're covering it all in this edition of Last Week in Crypto. Take a look:

➤ BTC Pierces Resistance at $41,000 As Demand Returns
➤ $100,000 Trading Competition: Over 2.8 Billion FUN Traded
➤ FUN Token: New Layer-2 Token
➤ FUN Token: Token Burning

Bitcoin Flips $41,000 Resistance Amid Record Exchange Outflow

BTC | BITCOIN $39646.64 +7.10% 


In positive news for traders, investors, and institutions alike, Bitcoin capitalized on 21st July's bounce back from $30,000 to rally by 20% last week, flipping the resistance at $41,000 as on-chain data displayed immense positivity.

The rally bottomed out near $38,800, worrying traders and igniting speculation over a possibility of massive profit booking as has become the norm in recent weeks. However, BTC held on marched on to $41,000. BTC trades at $41,600 at the time of writing.

On-chain data revealed large withdrawals from exchanges last Thursday as there was an outflow of 57,000 BTC in a matter of 24 hours. That was the highest one-day outflow in at least a year, signalling rising demand for BTC again. Exchange balances also returned to levels last seen in mid-May before Bitcoin started its correction. All in all, it looks good for BTC in the near-term.

Over 5.5 Billion FUN Traded in 4 Days

FUN | FUN Token $0.019015 +10.44% 


The $100,000 FUN Token Trading Competition kicked off what promises to be an exciting August for FUN Token with a host of important developments incoming. The sheer anticipation and enthusiasm was evident as over 5.5 Billion FUN Tokens were traded at Binance in just over 2 days.

The competition is open to all; new users can win a share of $20,000 and the total prize pool based on their trading volumes whereas existing users can lay claim to a share of the $80,000 in FUN Tokens, again, based on their trading volumes. Click here to start trading. Learn more about the competition here.

This is FUN Token and Binance's third collaboration in as many months. The last update came a month ago when FUN Token became one of only eight tokens to be listed for Locked Savings at Binance.

To date, a massive $1.4 million in FUN Tokens have been committed to Locked Savings at Binance while a further $0.78 million have been committed to Flexible Savings.

FUN Token CEO Adriaan Brink Announces Plans for New Layer-2 Token Pegged 1:1 With FUN


In an AMA conducted by Binance on 29th July, FUN Token CEO Adriaan Brink announced plans for a new token based on a Layer-2 blockchain. This token will be seamlessly integrated with FUN.

FUN Token was created to solve the issues related to operator escrow in online gambling operations.

When a user places a bet, their funds are moved into escrow until the outcomes are determined. Simultaneously, operators have to ensure sufficient funds are available to settle these bets. By moving operations to a blockchain, these logistical drawbacks are eradicated. However, when it came to FUN, there was an issue.

''Both FUN and BETR suffered tremendously with the rising price and latency of Ethereum transactions, so our first major tech release will be to deal with this issue,'' said Adriaan. ''In the next 2 months we will release a new Layer-2 token on the Polygon/Matic network to leverage its high performance and low transaction fees.'' sidestepped these challenges with a simple, off-chain use case in the Premium Membership program. However, to achieve true decentralization, transactions and gameplay have to be on-chain.

A token on the Polygon network will ensure low transaction fees and higher rate of transactions. This token is will be pegged 1:1 to FUN. Through association, this token will have exposure to 46 million users.

In a matter of months, has created over 167,000 new FUN Token users. These users will be brought on-chain with the launch of the L2 Token. Subsequently, a full-fledged, truly decentralized casino utilizing the L2 Token will be launched, and DPLAY will become a testbed for further development.

FUN Token Releases Statement Regarding Burn Strategy


Through a statement released on, FUN Token has outlined its token burn strategy.

''For all in-house operations such as the soon to be launched decentralized casino we will commit to burning no less than 50% of any profits after costs,'' said the statement. These in-house operations, of course, include both DPLAY and the upcoming Layer-2 decentralized casino.

These burns are set to take place on a quarterly basis with the first burn scheduled for the end of Q3 2021. Lay staking will also be introduced where users will be able to stake their tokens and earn a percentage of the profits earned.

Furthermore, in order to get their hands on the new L2 Token, FUN Token users will be required to escrow their tokens, thus reducing the coins in circulation. This would act as an effective burning program for FUN Token, further improving its value.



FUN Token has come leaps and bounds since acquired it in February. Now, with several significant developments on the horizon, FUN Token is ready to take off and change online gambling for the better. Join us on this journey today.