Monday, January 25, 2021

What & Where Lightening Component Framework is Needed


What & Where to use Lightning Component Framework

Lightning Component Framework is used to develop web-based applications for both mobile and desktop.

This framework gathers all the components on a single page user interface of an application and makes them quickly respond to the user clicks. Hence client side usesJavaScript and server side uses Apex.

Lightning components can be developed and reused in an application. Lightning components are also named as Aura components.

What are the uses of Lightning Component Framework?

Out-of-the-box components

Enables to work with Out-of-the-box components to built an application more quickly. It also saves lot of time in building an application for only one device and makes it to be compatible for all other devices like desktop, mobile, laptop…

Rich Component Ecosystem

Components can be built and made them to be used in salesforce mobile appLightning Experience and Lightning App Builder, which makes easy to develop pages just by drag and drop on to the page. We can also make them available in the AppExchange.

Fast Development

Using Out-of-the-box components, we can easily build the applications faster for both desktop and mobile at a time. 

 Device-aware and Cross Browser Compatibility 

Application has responsive design, it fits to any device like Mobile, Tablet and desktop according to their screen resolution, hence there is no need of designing individually for all the devices. It’s also compatible for all the browsers in all devices. 

Where can we use Lightning Components?

Lightning components can be used in many ways in salesforce organization.

  • Lightning Experience
    • Components can be used as the App Launcher to launch the application.
    • It can be added as tab, which contains all the fields in the application navigation bar.
    • Components can also be embedded to the user interface.
    • It can also be added on pages to create home page/record page.
  • Salesforce1 mobile App
    • Lightning components are used on mobile app, that helps in adding tab on navigation bar.
  • Communities
    • We can see the components, added to the communities using community builder.
  • Stand-alone Apps
    • Components added to the stand-alone apps works independently and its great feature is reusability.
  • Visualforce Pages
    • Lightning components used in visualforce pages is to build the new feature and can also use existing feature.

Different ways to configure Lightning Components

We can add components to the following configurations available in Lightning component bundle.

Lightning Component Configurations

force:appHostable user interface allows to add component as the tab for both Lightning Experience and Salesforce1 mobile app.

flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes UI allows to add component for the Lightning Page or Lightning App Builder.

flexipage:availableForRecordHome UI helps to add component on record home page in Lightning Experience.

force:hasRecordId UI allows to assign component as the ID of current record.

forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypesUI allows to add component for the community page.

force:lightningQuickAction UI allows to add component for the QuickAction

Sunday, January 24, 2021

How to optimize your homepage

How to optimize your homepage

Edwin is a strategic content specialist. Before joining Yoast, he spent years honing his skill at The Netherlands’ leading web design magazine.

Avatar of Edwin Toonen

Does homepage SEO exist? We asked ourselves that in our post on homepage SEO. However, a lot of the people still feel that a homepage should be optimized for a keyword. Perhaps optimizing your homepage for search engines works for some of you, but ranking in Google should definitely not be the only purpose of your homepage! In this post, we want to explore the main purpose of your homepage and give tips on how to optimize your homepage to make it totally awesome.

Rankings, showcase and/or branding?

You might be able to rank your homepage for all the different keyphrases, but you have to consider if that really is the best strategy. Targeted landing pages have a tendency to perform better for these types of things. It might be better to think of your homepage as a sort of showcase of who you are and what you have to offer. You could use your site as a launching pad for all those conversions. Plus, a good homepage helps build and solidify your brand!

What is your website about?

First, we want you to check what your website is about. This seems obvious, but your mission, the uniqueness of your website, should be reflected on your homepage.

Keyword strategy

There are a lot of people trying to optimize their homepage for a certain keyword. Most of them are optimizing for a local business, and feel that the homepage is like the top of their keyword strategy pyramid. We often advice to focus your website on more than one keyword and tend to set out a strategy based upon a multitude of keywords. Even multiple keywords wouldn’t be a full keyword strategy. If you would like to read more about keyword strategy, keep reading our blog, because we have a number of posts about keyword research and keyword strategy!

Is your homepage just a large list of products and services, or did you actually take the time to write a decent welcome for your visitors? Now one of the most annoying things a website owner can do, is actually write ‘welcome to our website’. By welcoming your visitor, we mean telling him or her what they can find on your website. What is your main product or service? What can be found on your products and on your company itself on the website? And most important: what is the main benefit (USP; Unique Selling Point) for the visitor? What do you do to stand out from the crowd?

Make your USP specific

The second homepage optimization tip is to make your Unique Selling Point clear. If you do a quick search online, you’ll find that many sites struggle to make this clear. But, it’s not always easy to be absolutely clear about what your company brings the customer.

You often see business coaching websites that have a tagline like: “Helping you improve yourself!”. That isn’t a great intro or tagline, as it tells absolutely nothing about the purpose of the company. It might as well be selling great running shoes, helping you improve your running, right? Make sure your introductory content is about the key benefits for the visitor you offer. “Coaching consultants using self-reflection” would already tell a visitor a lot more.

The Two Chimps coffee company has a great pay-off that instantly makes it clear what you can expect from them

In the above homepage for Two Chimps Coffee, it is very clear what the purpose of the website is. Not only the tagline is impressive, but the design also makes this site stand out.

In most cases, that could indeed mean getting back to a boring business tagline. We’re not fan of the vague descriptions half of today’s companies seem to use. You don’t need buzzwords or hyperbole to have something be memorable and stand out — it needs to follow an easy to understand flow. If you can, try to describe the problem people have, how your product or services fixes that problem, while ending on a positive not. Something like Slack does on their homepage:

Slack’s pay-off is relatable and understandable following the problem/solution pattern

Elicit trust

We’ve seen the trust factor become ever-more important for todays websites. Make sure that your site comes across as trustworthy, not only in a technical sense, with up-to-date technology and SSL certificates, but also in a psychological sense. If you sell something, a service or a product, people need to know that you are legit. Why should people buy your product? Why are you the expert at the subject and is your solution the one everyone should use?

Whenever you can, give visitors proof of your success. Add testimonials, reviews, recommendations from other experts, publications you appeared — anything goes. Don’t forget to link to the these because nothing more frustrating than trying to verify your claims and coming up short. Of course, you can always pick a selection of reviews and make a specific page for the rest if needed. Just make sure you don’t overdo it on the homepage — your site needs to stay clear, without too many distractions.

Guide your visitor

Another purpose of your homepage is guidance for your visitor. You should make sure your homepage guides your visitor to your main pages. And, your homepage needs the introduction or tagline we described above. But that one would be useless if your homepage wouldn’t allow the visitor to click to your main or money pages. These would be the pages where you close the deal, sell the product or fill out the contact form.

This is by now means an exhaustive list, but these are the obvious ‘guides’ on most homepages:

Hero image

Hero image is a term used in web design for a specific type of web banner. A hero image is a large banner image, prominently placed on a web page, generally in the front and center.
Source: Wikipedia

Sliders, or better alternatives

It’s pretty obvious that we at Yoast don’t like sliders. Still, a slider is used very often to promote these pages. The lack of attention these pages get, is one of the reasons why we don’t like sliders. But that slider area is a great spot for guidance. If you would add a so-called hero image of your featured product, including a great call-to-action button, that would make sense. If you want to rotate that with every browser refresh, please do. It’s a great way to make your homepage appear different with every visit.

The menu

The most obvious one is the menu of your site. Have your thought about what is in your menu? Is it structured and focused? Let us give you an example: this is the menu of a financial consultant we found a while ago:

Be clear
Is this a menu that makes it instantly clear what to expect from the pages?

Start Here could be a call-to-action, of course. But Hard Choices is just too general. In the end, we’d replace both with names that describe the content after the click.

Your products

If you have an online shop, the possibilities are endless. But don’t add the entire category list in your sidebar. Focus on your most visited categories and add these in a prominent spot on your homepage. Add your best selling product to the homepage, perhaps in that larger image we mentioned at ‘sliders’ above. Be creative. Your homepage seems the best spot on your site to announce a new product, for instance. If your shop has a sale, make sure that people notice it on the homepage.

Search as a call-to-action

In many sites, the search bar is located in the header or footer. If you are selling thousands of products, or if you have written hundreds of articles on your site, chances are that a search bar will come in handy for your visitor. Why not make that one your main call-to-action and list it as the main element — instead of that slider — on your website? Doing this is actually step two. Step one is making sure your search result pages look decent.

Contact information

You also have to realize that a — returning — visitor could just be looking for your contact details. List a link to your contact page where one would expect it. That could be in the last spot in your menu, but could also be an address in your footer, or a (short) contact form in the sidebar. On mobile, your phone number should be activated to allow visitors call you with a simple tap on the number.

Do not clutter!

Do not go overboard in guidance on your website! Don’t clutter your homepage with all kind of actionable guides, but pick two or three that make sense on a site like yours. And focus on these. Keep the design of pages simple and easy to use.

Lucky Paws has a great, focussed homepage with a subtle sale nudge and great use of customer proof

This is a great example of a focused homepage. Lucky Paws as even thought of making that call-to-action a distinctive color. The page is quick to scan, the pay-off is clear and the image shows the product in use. That doggo seems might happy with that bed! The extra focus on the holiday sale above the menu is subtle and doesn’t scream SALE — although you might argue that it’s a bit too subtle.

Homepage optimization: the conclusion

Your homepage should make clear what people can find on your website. It should focus on your unique selling point. And, it should guide your visitors to your most important pages. Perhaps you can focus on these things and still optimize your homepage for a certain keyword. What do you think about that?

Of course, your website is more than just your homepage.

Using Long Tail Keywords in Blogging.

Use of Long Tail Keywords in Blogging

Keyword image

Today we will learn about the Long Tail keyword. Friends, What is the keyword and Use of Long Tail keyword in Blogging. 

We have already written posts above the keyword. In that, I wrote information about the keyword. Today we we will learn about Long Tail Keyword. What is the Use of Long Tail keyword in Blogging.

What is Keyword Click here to Read

If you are a new blogger then you must have also heard about the keyword. A keyword is a word with the help of which we write a post. With the help of Keyword Google know the topic of Blogger. In blogging keywords are very important because posts are ranked in Google with the help of keywords.

With the help of keywords, we can bring traffic to our blog. With the help of keywords, we can rank our blog in Google.

Use of Long Tail keyword in Blogging

The long tail keyword means that it has 3/4 words. If you use long tail keywords for your blog Which will bring more traffic to your post and also rank in Google. If you use the long tail keyword then the competition on it is very low. 

Due to low competition on long tail keyword, more views are seen on your blog in less time and your blog also increases rank in Google.

What is SEO Click here

How to get more traffic to your blog Click here

Example of Long Tail keyword are..

How to make Article SEO Friendly.

Use of Long Tail keyword in Blogging.

How to become successful blogger in world.

How to increase traffic on your blog.

These all are Examples of Long Tail Keyword.

Benefits of Long Tail Keyword

  • Long tail keyword has low competition, which makes it easy to rank. 
  • Due to low competition on Long Tail Keyword, you can bring more traffic to your blog.
  • Your posts start getting ranked in Google in a short time.
  • Visitors give more value to your post
  • Long tail keywords are more profitable.
Use of Long Tail Keyword in Blogging

Long tail keyword are low search volume and low competition so the traffic they do bring more valuable.

If you use the long tail keyword, it helps in bringing more traffic than the short tail keyword.

So friends, you should use the long tail keyword in every post, which will help you.

So friends, you must have got information about the Use of Long Tail keyword in Blogging through this post. 

Guys i hope you like this post..

Saturday, January 16, 2021




123 Guide on How to Monetize Your Blogger (Blogspot) Website

Despite its decreasing popularity over the past years, Blogger (or Blogspot) remains one of the most usable platforms for building websites. Owned by the tech giant Google, it offers multiple opportunities for website and blog owners. Google hosts all blogs that initially belong to the subdomain ‘’. Logically, webmasters and publishers can easily extend their inventory with Google products like AdSense. Those of you striving to monetize a Blogspot (Blogger) website instantly can rely on Adsterra ad formats as the AdSense alternative.

This 123 Guide will give you sure-fire instructions on how to monetize a Blogspot-based website or blog with Adsterra ad formats. No matter the level your business is at, and whether you’ve already built a reputation or have just started with planting those seeds of trust, you’ll be able to implement these tips and make money with ads.

Which Adsterra ads can you put on a Blogger / Blogspot website?

Blogger is very easy to set up and run, so placing ad codes is also a smooth process. On this platform, you can grow your business with the following Adsterra ad formats:

  • Social Bar or In-Page Push ads
  • Native banners
  • Display banners
  • Popunders
  • Direct Link

Adsterra Smart Direct Link is the easiest way of getting profit from ads. You will only need to generate an ad code on your Adsterra account and place it anywhere on the website as a regular link. Most-used places are texts, buttons, images, etc. Find some secret monetization tactics in this Guide to Direct Link.

How to get Adsterra ad codes

Generating Adsterra codes is a universal set of actions that require less than five minutes. Let’s all of them one by one.

 1. Please log in (or sign up) as a Publisher on 

2.  From the control panel on the left, choose the the Websites tab. Click the green button Add new website

Add website to Adsterra

3. A new window will open. Here you need to fill out the fields and choose the ad format.

  • Add your website URL.
  • Choose your website category from the list (choose Other if you don’t see suitable categories).
  • Pick one Ad Unit (each ad code is unique).
  • See what filters you can tick to remove the unwanted types of ads.
  • Click the Add green button.
Get Adsterra ad code for a website

4. You’ll see a notification that your website is waiting for approval (Pending status). Approved sites are green-colored. Wait until Pendingstatus changes to Approved.

5. After your website status changes to Approved, click All codes – Get code. Here it is! A piece of code and a short instruction on where to put it.

Copy the code to the clipboard.

Step-by-step instructions for putting ads on your Blogspot website

What is really inspiring is that you need the very same set of actions to place any of the above-listed Adsterra formats.

There are two ways of adding ads to monetize a Blogger-based website or blog. 

If you need an ad placement to appear on every page and be fixed to the page’s structure (e.g., a sidebar), you should put Adsterra codes inside the Blogspot theme.

** Please bear in mind that popunder ads are not attached to any UI element of the website, so you don’t have to look for a vacant place on the website.

The second way of showing adverts to your blog’s visitors is to place them on a blog post page. In this case, your audience will only meet ads when they open this page. It could be a homepage, for instance.

Let’s follow these simple steps right now.

Placing ads via Blogspot themes

When you need advertising units to appear on every page, you should use your website theme settings. After you log in, on your left-hand menu, find and hit the Layout tab. You see how the skeleton of your website looks like, all of its blocks like header, footer, sidebars, etc.


Click the Add a gadget section and choose HTML/JavaScript from the list.

Paste the code you generated at Adsterra into the Content field and click Save.

After you add a gadget, you will see your new HTML/JavaScript element inside the website layout. Drag and drop your gadget if you want to place native or display bannersomewhere else, like the website header or sidebar.

** Please bear in mind the instructions you got while generating the code. If they recommend putting the format before the closing ‘</body>’ tag, you can’t just drag and drop your Blogger gadget to the web page header.

Placing ads on a separate blog post page

Sometimes you need to put ads on specific web pages avoiding all the rest. This might be very helpful if you want to test a new format or leave some pages free of advertising (like those with privacy policy).

On Blogger, you can do it with just two steps:

1. Open the post where you want to show ads. Switch to HTML view by clicking the icon on the upper left corner.

HTML mode Blogger

2. Paste the code snippet that you copied from your Adsterra account. Make sure you place the code according to Adsterra instructions. For instance, to add a popunder, you will need to find the tag on your HTML post and paste the core before this tag.

That’s it!

What to keep in mind while monetizing your Blogspot website

  • Please don't oversaturate your web pages with ads. At first, it might seem the fastest way to profit, but in the end, your statistics could return massive churn rates.
  • Avoid placing more than one popunder ad code on the same page as they might conflict.
  • Having added a new placement, open the preview page to make sure the ads don't overlap the content or navigation buttons. If they do, try to find a better placement. Poor UX might strongly affect your CPM.
  • When generating a new ad code, please, read a short instruction. At Adsterra, we recommend where exactly to put this ad.
  • Each ad code is unique. You can use it only for one placement on one page. To get, say, two banners, you will need to generate two ad codes. This is critical for the correct display of your statistics.
  • Some ad placements have advanced settings available on request. E.g., you can ask for changing your popunders frequency settings (how many times one user will meet ads within a given time).


We have walked through Blogger / Blogspot websites monetization basics. With Adsterra as an AdSense alternative, you can also use a variety of formats, adjusting them to your audience and website design. Check this guide to make yourself more familiar with all ad formats.

If you are looking for a way of instant earning, rely on Adsterra. One-minute approval, no limitation to your website traffic volume and rankings, and the fastest support can become the game-changing factors to your business growth.

Monday, January 11, 2021

How to Earn Money with the help of Popads Ads from Adsterra

How to Earn Money with the help of Popads Ads

Popads ads

Details about Popads Ads. In today's post, we are going to tell you what is Popads Ads. Details about Popads Ads. How to Earn Money with the help of Popads Ads.

If you are a blogger then you must be thinking about making money from your blog. Those people apply on google adsense for Ads but due to many reasons they do not get approval. Because Google Adsense rules are very hard. That is why today we are going to tell you about such ads that you can make money from your blog with the help of that ads. The name of that Ads is Popadas.

What is Popads ads.

Popdus is an advertising company like Google Adsense that works to show Ads on website or blog. 

When a visitor visits your blog, Popads' ads will open in a new popup. Popads' ads do not appear inside the blog it's open in new popup. 

Even if your blog is on Blogger, you still get approval for Popads Ads. 

If there is not much traffic on your blog, then also you will get approval of Popads ads. If your blog has only 30/40 views then also you will get approval.

You will get approval within 2/3 days only.

To activate Popdas ads, you need to put just one code in your blog.

When you have $ 5 in your popads account, you can transfer it to your account.

How to Earn Money with the help of Popads Ads.

How to apply for Popads 

First go to Popads website and Create New Account.( Click on Signup)

After clicking on Signup Option New Popup window will be open in front of you. Where you have to fill the details given below.

Username - Here you can write username.

Email I'd - Write your Email I'd.

Retype Email - Write your Email I'd again here.

Country - Here you have to select your Country Name.

Account Type - Here select Publulisher Option.

Password - Here write password.

Personal Details

Write your personal details here.

First Name, Last Name and your Mobile Number.

Then click on Terms and Conditions and Register.

Once registration is complete, Popads will send you a confirmation mail. By clicking on the link in that mail, you have to activate your popads account.

Once the account is activated, you have to login to Popads.

Click on New Website.

Site Name - Here you have to write your site name.

Site URL - Here you have to write your site URL.

Description - In this option you can write details about your site.

Category - Mostly select General category.

Then click on Add Website. After clicking on add website your website will be submitted to the Popads team for review.

Popads team will review your website in 2/3 days and send you a mail of approval. 

If there is no problem on your website, then your website will get approval.

If your website gets approval, then you have to log in to Popads again.

After log into popads you have to select code generator option which is on left side. Then click on Generate code.

Clicking on the Generate code will open a code in front of you and copy it completely. 

You have to go to Blogger and go to Theme and click on Edit Html.

You have to paste that code under <head>

Then click on save button.

Hello friends, I hope you enjoy How to Earn Money with the help of Popads Ads this post. You can also earn money from popads. If you like this post then do comment.