Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Cover page                                                                                      i
Certification                                                                                    ii
Dedication                                                                                       iii
Acknowledgement                                                                          iv
Table of content                                                                              v
Abstract                                                                                           vii
1.1    Background of the study
1.2    Statement of problem
1.3    Research question
1.4    Research hypothesis
1.5    Purpose of the study
1.6    Scope of the study
1.7    Significance of the study
1.8    Limitation of the study
1.9    Definition of terms
          Literature review
2.1    Introduction to the study
2.2    The concept of stress
2.3    Causes of stress
2.4    Effects of stress on worker
2.5    Management of stress
3.1    Research Design
3.2    Population of the study
3.3    Sample and Sampling Technique
3.4    Design synthesis
3.5    Instrumentation / Material
3.6    Method of collection / Analysis
4.1    Presentation of Data 
4.2    Analysis of data
4.3    Interpretation of data
4.4    Discussion
Summary of Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations and Suggestions for further research
4.1    Summary of finding
4.2    Conclusion        
4.3    Recommendations


This study examines the cause of stress amongst bank workers in First bank (Nig) l.t.d. it is the contention of this study that stress is an inevitable phenomenon in the life of any modern organization.
Stress can have overall performance of the organization. It is as a result of this that organization must ensure that stress s well managed by providing different means of coping with it. In this study such factors like dissatisfaction with the boss leadership style, the nature of the work done by the workers, the group a worker with the level of confidence of the worker and the general working atmosphere are found to be positively related to stress propensity. Based on this, such recommendations like sending managers and supervisors on courses on human relations, providing a congenial working atmosphere and enriching the job done by the workers are made. The research concludes will drastically help to reduce the possibilities of stress in organization.

The impact of stress on people has its roots n medicine and specifically, the pioneering work of style that is often regarded as the father of stress. In his research for a new sex hormone, he serendipitously discovered that tissue damage s a non-noxious stimuli. seiye (1950) , called this phenomenon the general  adaptation syndrome (gas) and a decade later he introduced the form stress in his writings.
    Everybody has it, everybody talks about it, yet few people have taken the trouble to find out what stress really is. Nowadays, we hear of great deal at social gatherings about the stress of executives’ life, retirement, exercise, family problems, pollution, air traffic control or death of a relative. But how many of these defending their strong conditions about these matter with heated arguments have bothered to learn the scientific meaning of stress and the mechanism of its workings?
    Most people never wondered whether there is a difference between stress and distress. The word “stress” like “success” “failure”, “happiness”, means different things to different people so that managing it is extremely difficult, although it has become part of our daily vocabulary. Is stress merely a synonym for distress? S effort, fatigue, pain, fair, the need for concentration. Limitation of censure, the loss of blood or even an unexpected great success which requires complete reformation in one’s entire life.
    The answer is yes and no that is, what makes management of stress so difficult. Every one of these conditions produces stress, but none of them can be signed out as being “it” since the word applied equally to all others. If we want to use the laboratory as to what it has taught us about stress in formulating our own philosophy of life if we want to avoid bad effect and yet be able to enjoy the pleasure accomplishments, we have to learn more about the nature and mechanism of stress.
1.1                STATEMENT OF PROBLEM
Organizations are established to achieve certain objectives. For the organizations to be able to achieve ts objectives, people are put in optimal performance that the organizational goals will be achieved.
                  One of the factors that can prevent an organization from achieving its objectives is stress. This is because stress among workers can make them not to put in their best performance in the organization and such a situation can adversely affect the overall performance of this, that the study examined the cause of stress among bank workers, with a focus on First bank plc, sapele, sapele local government , Delta state.
1.2             OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
The study hopes to achieve the following objectives:
a)  To look at the nature and patterns of stress in banks.
b) To look at the causes of stress among banks workers.
c)   To look at effects of stress on bank workers
d) To identify the various ways stress can be managed in organization
e)  To improve people understanding of stress as a phenomenon n modern organizations.
The significant of this study is in two folds; the practical significance and the theoretical significance.
     To aid the researcher in the course of the study, the following hypotheses are postulated.
Ho:   Stress is not a major cause of employee turnover
Hi:    Stress is a major cause of employee turnover
1.1             DEFINITION OF TERMS
For ease of understanding and use of some of the technical related terms use in this study, the following definitions have being given:
a) Stress
Stress is an infective an unhealthy reaction to change. Stress describes a force, which affects human beings physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It is a set of circumstances under which individual cannot respond adequately to an environmental stimuli. Stress involves a stress or a stress response.
Management of stress has been very topical in all human endeavors. Researchers have tremendously contribute to the existing literature in the various debate, workshops, campaign with a view to understanding the concept it causes management e.t.c. for this researcher has selectively reviewed related areas to this study.
               The Longman Dictionary defined stress as: Continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life that prevent you from relaxing”
                Stress is also defined as a set circumstances under an individual cannot respond adequately or instrumentally due to environmental stimuli or can so respond only at the cost excessive wear and tear on the organization. For example, chronic fatigue, tension, worry, physical damage, nervous breakdown or loss of self – esteem. Stress is therefore a rational concept, since it involve factors in the environments are stressful for all or most person; and some persons are highly susceptible to stress in almost any environment. But those extremes. It is the particular matchup between certain characteristics of the environment and certain in individuals or certain individual attributes that produces stress.
          Beachor and Newman (1978) see job stress as a condition arising interaction of people and force them to deviate from their normal functioning.
          It is as a result of this that Wencerich and Matteson (1980) defined stress simply as the interaction of organism with the environment they accordingly gave a more detailed working definition of stress as “an adaptive response, mediate by individual characteristics and/or psychological process that is a consequence of any external, situation or event that place physical and/or psychological demands upon a person”
          From the forgoing discussions, the research is of the view that stress is boredom and fatigues arising from the engagement of an individual in a particular job. It arises due to lack of rest, recreation or job satisfaction.
Hans Selye, the Canadian endocrinologist and psychologist, has since the mid 1930’s given the concept a wide currency through an extensive series of papers and books ( C.F Selye, 1950 1951-56, 1969). He describes his work as an extension of the Bemard cannon concepts of adoption and homeostasis and sees stress as the state of the organism, the following failure of the normal homeostatic regulatory mechanisms of adaptation. Stress is manifested through the symptoms of a general adaptation syndrome includes (G.A.S), a name chosen deliberating to emphasize the ink.
The general adaptation syndrome includes three stages, the first of which is the alarm reaction. This represents a temporary impairment of physiological functioning, often manifested by headaches, fever, fever, or other symptoms. In this stage, the defenses of the body are allied and consolidated. In the second stage, if stress continues above certain level, the stress, in the third and final stage – exhaustion or collapse or even death.
b) Satisfaction
This is that contentment a worker drives from doing a particular job. Subjectively, satisfaction is the joy, which the workers derive from a given situation. Objectively, it can be measured in terms of the differences between what the employees expect from the service rendered and what he actually receives.
          A significant level of 5% is often chosen in hypothesis testing because it shows a minimal probability of committing type-one-error that is reflecting null hypothesis.
          The Chi-square value can be found in the table of Chi-square distribution as soon as the appropriate degree of freedom for this is found.
          Question 1 of the personal interview was used in the testing of hypothesis to know the level of stress among bank workers.
1        Is there any stress among the bank workers?
          Yes or No response was expected

Table 1

No. of Response
% of Response

Source: Field Survey 1998
               The above show that 50(100%) agreed that there is stress among bank workers
Null Hypothesis (Ho)
      That there is no stress among the bank workers.
Alternative Hypothesis (Hi)
      That there is stress among the bank workers.
Decision: Accept Hi (Alternative Hypothesis)

From the analysis of data in the study, the findings of this study are summarized as stated below
i.       There is a positive relationship between the nature of the work a worker does in the organization and the propensity to stress. Thus if the job is too demanding on the other hand, if the job is low a worker’s capacity, he may develop stress.
ii.     There is a positive relationship between workers dissatisfaction with boss leadership style and propensity to stress. That is, if the workers are dissatisfied with the leadership style of their boss, such dissatisfaction can be stress producing in the working place.
iii.     There is a positive relationship between the group a worker works with and the propensity to cohesive group will be less prone to stress than the worker working in a lowly cohesive group.
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Name: Shallom Odion Egbon


Title Page………………………………………………i
Table of Content………………………………………vi

1.1 Background to the Study…………………………..1
1.2 Statement of the Study………………………….....3
1.3 Research Questions………………………………..4
1.4 Objective of the Study…………………………….4
1.5 Statement of Hypothesis…………………………..5
1.6 Significance of the Study………………………….6
1.7Scope of the Study…………………………………7
1.8 Limitation of the Study……………………………8
1.9 Definition of Related Terms………………………9

2.1 Introduction……………………………………....10
2.2 An Overview of the Historical Development of Local Government in Nigeria……………………………….11
2.3 Characteristics of Public Sector organization Compared to Private Sector Organization………………………….18
2.4 Definition of Local Government…………………18
2.5 Financial Process…………………………………21
2.6 The Budgetary Procedures of Local Government…………………………………………..22
2.7 Internal Control…………………………………..41
2.8 External Audit..…………………………………..45

2.9 Auditor-General for the Federation………………46

This study has been carried out to critically analyse and evaluate the system of accounting in Nigeria Local Government Councils of Edo State. This project work was necessitated by the which the local government play in the development of the grassroots socially, economically and politically. In so doing, the researcher used both primary and secondary methods in collecting in Etsako West Local Government Council. Both questionnaires and interview method were used while other data were collected from textbooks, journals, and magazines of related literatures to government accounting in Nigeria Local Government. However, from the result of the findings and conclusion, it was observes by the research that the accounting system of Etsako West Local Government fell short of been effective. As a result of this, Etsako West Local Government has been be caught in the cobweb of inadequate functions and powers, inadequate finance, low administration, inefficiency and poor budgetary control. In spite of that, the research did make some reaching and clear recommendation, which if adopted will greatly solves some of these problems in the government council.

1.1   Background to the Study
Nigeria as a nation consist of  three level of government  that have interest in the public sector accounting, therefore, the status and power of these government are dearly defined by the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria. Included in the government are; Federal, State and Local government. The local government is regarded as the third tier of the aforementioned levels of government and it is essential in the development process of any country like Nigeria. This entails such as provision of social welfare services, provision of community mobilization, maintenance of local markets and road etc.
Okhaide (2001, P.1) Opined that the United Nation Office for Public Administration (UNOPA) defined local government as “a political subdivision of a nation or (in a federal system), state which is constituted by law and its substantial control of local affairs including the power to oppose, take and to employ labour for prescribed purpose”
The state governments have a considerable power over their local government councils. The financial regulation in which the local government applies in the preparations and presentation of their account are formulated by the relevant statutes.  
Financial regulations provide a basis for internal control and external accountability. Nevertheless, the question which has frequently arisen in the issue of local government is not really living up to expectation in the eyes of the common man and government. One more aspect that has drawn the attention of the researchers has been the allege lack of finance.
To a great extent, local government has been identified as a catalyst of any country such as Nigeria. But these councils have been entrapped in an uncoil cycle of poverty in Nigeria local government administration.
Johnson (1995, P.197) attributed these as inadequate funds, embezzlement, shortage of trained personnel, poor infrastructure, illiteracy among councilors, bribery and corruption, favoritism and nepotism, poor collection method of taxes and poor communication system.
In addition, the system of accounting, auditing and control in Nigeria local government dearly leaves much to be desired. These local government hardly know of any form of audit other than those performed periodically by officials of state government. This audit exercise came up infrequently and when conducted are done unprofessionally.
In view of these clear deficiencies in local government councils, this research will provide a deliberate attempt to approach these questions with a view to taking a stand on some critical issues and making recommendations on how to improve on the system of accounting used by the local government.
1.2   Statement of the Problem
Accounting in the public sector was necessitated by the need to collect and disburse funds for the need of government;
1.            Is there any system of accounting in the third tier of government?
2.    Is there any need for effective and sound system of accounting in the local government councils?
3.         Is local government accounting and financial data useful?
4.    Do public officers at the grassroots level of local government councils given evidence of accountability of their stewardship
5. Is there adequate information useful for the good control and efficient management of government operation?
          The essence of this chapter is to review the relevance of public sector accounting as the oldest form of accounting.
          It has been in existence before the emergence of commercial accounting in whatever form, government being in existence and had maintained records of taxes collected, monetarily  or in kind as well as records of how resources had been disposed off treasury.
          Besides, government tends to keep and preserve financial records longer than other entities. Notwithstanding, government accounting has remained in the back wide in scheme of government operation at the local government councils.
          Generally, accounting may has be seen or considered as a process in which transactions and events in an operating entity are recorded for the purpose of accounting and providing financial information essential for good management of activities of such an entity.
          According to Adams (2006, P. 1) Public sector Accounting is “a process of recording, communicating, summarizing, analyzing and interpreting government financial statement in aggregate and in details reflecting all levels of transactions involving the receipt, custody and disbursement of government funds.” The nature of public sector is quite characterized by financial and institutional structures. The federal government either provides services on national basis or redistribution of funds, which are managed on national basis, local government councils receive large proportion of funds in the form of grants from the federal government.
At the end of the Second World War in 1946, British government decided to democratize the existing indirect rule. Before this time, local administration has been on the basis on the British colonial government administrating local communities through local heads of chiefs. This move was necessitated by the realization of British government on the important impact local government has played in making a sense of community obligation and social responsibility, with this move, local government was no longer viewed as a tool for maintaining order but as one of economic and social development at the grass roots, that is, the government of the day was brought closer to the local communities.
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Sleeping well is a basic to your health

Sleeping well is a basic to your health
Simply how much rest that you absolutely require daily changes marginally for all us according to our own era (young individuals normally want far more rest than girls) along with also our genes (a few folks are shorter sleepers than many others). But the sleeping concentrate on for grownups would be between nine and seven hours per evening, in accordance with rules by the National Sleep Foundation.
That advice, together with other advocated sleep intervals to get older kids, teens, and adults, will be on the basis of the sum of slumber related to the optimal/optimally health effects in many of subjects, for example matters such as mood, and education, injuries and hypertension, and cardiovascular problems, diabetes, obesity along with melancholy.
However, Pelayo claims aren’t getting overly concerned with accounting a particular range of hours of rest through the evening time. The problem is getting refreshed, he states. You also should at no point wake-up worn out. Should you choose to awaken feeling tired, then something isn’t right.
Waking-up tired can possibly be a sign which the level of ones sleep is so inferior. Maybe you are investing too large an amount of time at mild slumber, also perhaps not having sufficient healing deep sleep, even by way of instance, Pelayo states. If that is the situation, you ought to consult your physician about becoming assessed to get a sleeping illness, or view asleep medicine professional.
The Way to Really Sleep Tonight There is nobody fool proof system for a fantastic nights slumber, however you will find plenty of measures that you may take which were connected with improved sleep complete if you should be unable to clock the suggested variety of hours of snooze that you recognize you desire or even in the event that you get up feeling rested in case you really are interested in being.
It is critical to consult your physician or perhaps a sleep medication physician in case you believe that you have an even serious dilemma, or another health illness will be interfering with your sleeping.
However, attempting these repairs really is a Fantastic location to begin: Stay glued to some frequent sleep-wake program. Make an effort to move to sleep a tan identical time just about every evening and awaken at an identical period at the early hours, for example around the weekends and make an effort to not change it longer compared to an hour or so or so.
The changing times you on a regular basis head to sleep and then wake up would be the signs that you provide the human body’s normal clock and when they truly are persistent, this clock makes it possible to awaken and drift off. When those signs are outside of whack, the human own body clock becomes chucked away and also you undergo precisely the exact same drowsiness related to jet lag. You could also fight to drift off during night time or awaken whenever your alert rings.
View caffeine ingestion. Be particularly careful for this specific after from the day. Pelayo proposes quitting caffeine over half an hour when you would like to sleep soundly.
Exercise frequently. Exploration demonstrates that routine physical exercise (atleast 150 minutes of action a week) is correlated with improved sleep, even although it truly is well worth noting you need to make an effort and prevent acute workout too near bedtime, even since it may possibly ensure it is more challenging to get several visitors to lose weight. That is as a work-out transmits signs into your system that generally wake up you, like the pulse and body temperature rising.
Prevent glowing lighting and glowing displays directly prior mattress. Red lighting the type which arrives from fluorescent bulbs, LEDs, along with computer and mobile screens was demonstrated to truly send precisely the exact signs into the mind in addition sun, also obstruct generation of this endocrine melaton in that informs the mind to visit sleep soundly.
In the event you cant ever sleep soundly, do not linger during sex. What this means is through the nighttime in the event that you are experiencing difficulty dropping off to sleep for about 20 minutes or more, eliminate bed and also do something to force you to get worn out, such as for example looking at or any gentle stretches. Residing during intercourse causes the human own body correlated in-bed period as alert period, also it is going to in actuality be tougher to drift off.
Do not linger in bed at the daytime, also usually do not hit rest. It could be inviting to awaken slowly and gradually, however drowsy snooze (when you have in the beginning awakened) is fragmented, sleep. In the event that you really did receive yourself an inadequate nights sleep, then your very best alternative is becoming upward, moving in every daily life, and also hitting on your pillow during pregnancy that day, in that time your sleeping force will probably undoubtedly be robust and also youre more inclined to truly benefit from benefit from this profound healing sleep that you require.