Wednesday, October 30, 2019


          We the undersigned certify that this research work, whose title is “An effect in exchange rate on balance of payment in Nigeria.



Since 1982, Nigeria has been experiencing a propound and sustained economic crisis unparallel in her contemporary economic history, indeed from the economic squall of 1978, Nigeria has been unsteadily and dangerously towards the devastating economic hurricane of the 1980’s. It can be said that the deepening current Nigeria economic crisis has in long term perspective spanned about two decades since 1978. the crisis has in general been manifested in acute problem of fiscal in balances and accommodating monetary policy or expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, fragile export base and weak non-oil export earning, import dependent production structure, and weak production base and undiversified nature of the economy. Other problems include unprecedently increasing level of unemployment of the energetic imaginative, innovative and highly educated and skilled section of the capacity utilization in the manufacturing industries. All these and many others resulted into serious foreign exchange problem, because exchange controls were not applied consistently and the administered exchange rate mechanism adopted let to the over valuation of the naira exchange rate. Nigeria has been endangered by high rate of foreign exchange inflation and balance of payment disequilibrium which led to series of political unrest and social disorder such as the 29-9% average annual growth rate in 1980-1984 as recorded by the total domestics credits to the economy and most of the increase was attributable to net claims by government. Simultaneously two-digit inflation at a mean yearly rate of 20.2% was registered, clear evidence perhaps in support of the monetarist’s proposition. But the inflation in 1984, which stood at almost 40%, is often explained in terms of acute storages of imported goods and services imposed by inade4quate foreign exchange earnings.
Before the introduction of structural adjustment programme (SAP) in 1986, the Nigeria economy was obviously distress the demand for external reserve was high while the balance of payment areas pushed the country to an economically disadvantage position. Real output declined and hence import which in turn resulted to the decline in foreign exchange earnings and as such ASP which is structural adjustment programmed was introduced in 1986 to eliminate these observed distortion in the economy. Also due to the deepening internal and external disequilibrium, it then became imperative to adopt the structural adjustment programme (SAP). The SAP is predicated mainly on the principle of “getting price right and has foreign exchange rate reform as it central focus. In pursuit of this, the second tier foreign market (SFEM) was brought in existence in late September 1986. the SFEM later metamorphosis 1.9 something change completely into the foreign exchange market (FEM) inter-bank foreign and exchange market (IFEM) then Autonomous foreign exchange market (AFEM), but now, it’s back to IFEM, all reflecting a high degree of deregulation. The SFEM 1.9. The second tier foreign market was predicated on the attainment of a realistic exchange rate of the naira, through depreciation by the market forces of supply and demand for foreign exchange. It was expected that a realistic exchange rate should reduce excessive demand for foreign  exchange, especially for the importation of finished exchange as well as eliminating the prevailing distortions in the economy and stimulate non-oil exports. In addition, the new foreign exchange management system was to be relied upon to eliminated illegal currency trafficking, smuggling activities and foreign exchange malpractices if the objective of eliminating bureaucratic and rigid exchange control could be attained (OJO, 1990).
So far, most of the desired exchange rate objective have not been achieved because that prevailing exchange rate now cannot be described as a realistic exchange rate. In essence, it hence reduced excessive demand for foreign exchange neither has it stimulated none of exports; foreign exchange capital inflow has been below expectations while capital flight has heightened. Yet the unstable exchange rate and the balance of payment deficit position would be better appreciated of its nature dimension and causes are closely understood.
Prior to the adoption of structural adjustment program (SAP) in 1986, Nigeria had no well spelt out trade policies. The practice was the formulation of trade policies, meant to protect the local industries, thus the policies consist of qualitative import controls administered through import licensing system relatively high tariffs and imposition of quantity restrictions on imports by way of quotas and the outright ban on certain items. All these measures limits the free movement of goods and services and hence exchange of currencies between Nigeria and other countries as a result, the exchange rate of the naira has been greatly affected by this economic controls. Typical of this economic control was the exchange control system based largely on the exchange control act of 1962, which was applied vigorously during the civil war and up to 1971, during which the Nigeria currency became increasingly, unconvertible.
However, the problem of foreign exchange inadequacy, dependence on the oil sector for exchange earning, continuous depreciation of the naira exchange rate coupled with the inability to determine precisely the level of exchange rate of the naira that would ensure the internal and external balance simultaneously. The existence of black market where the naira is exchange with other currencies illegally has also affected the exchange rate in the sense that the black market violates all policies and regulatory measures used by the government to control the exchange rate of the naira and as such the existence of these black market has to a large extent distorted the effective measure of exchange of Nigeria currency (Naira) with those of other currencies and as the records (data) of exchange does not reflect the actual exchange due to the existence of the black market.

1.5           SCOPE OF THE STUDY
Balance of payment deficit and unstable exchange rate is a global phenomenon and has not been smooth in it’s movement in Nigeria. This study examines the relationship between balance of payment and exchange rate using 1980-2004 as a reference period.
This period is chosen because 1980-1985 is the pre-SAP period while 1986-1988 is the SAP period and 1984-2004 is the post-SAP period.

                                          CONCEPT OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE
The main objective of exchange rate policy during the early years of 1980’s was to check inflationary pressures. This was achieved by maintaining an overvalued exchange rate so as to encourage importation. Consequently the exchange rate was maintained well below the equilibrium level. The official average rate was ($100=N0.8924) between 1980-1985 compared with purchasing power parity (PPP) rate of ($1.00= N3.4716).
In 1986, a market driven exchange rate policy was therefore put in place to adjust the exchange rate to it’s equilibrium and reflect from export and payment for import over a specified period of time usually a year.
     III.      MONETARY POLICY: this has to do with the regulation of money supply by the monetary authorities of a country to affect the real sector of the economy.
        III      MONETARY POLICY: This has to do with the regulation of money supply by the monetary authorities of a country to affect the real sector of the economy.
   IV  FISCAL POLICY: This policy involves the control of taxes and government expenditure. It is often called “power of the purse” entrustment.
    V  INFLATION: This is the persistent and appreciable increase in general price level of an economy.
   VI  UNEMPLOYMENT: Is a situation which arises when able-bodies member of the labour force who are qualified and willing to work at the prevailing wage rate in an economy present themselves for payment but cannot get jobs.
NATIONAL INCOME: As a money or market value of the final goods and services currently produced in an economy by its citizens during a particular period of time usually one year.
DEFICIT: is a situation whereby the government expenditure exceeds it revenue target there by creating government dis-savings that could result in public borrowing of financing programme R L E.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET: Foreign exchange market deals with the sales and purchases of foreign currencies where importers buy foreign currencies to pay for import.
DEPRECIATION: is an allowance made in estimates, valuation on balance sheet, normally for wear and tear of assets.
REGRESSION: This is the study of relationship among variables.


          The balance of payment is a statistical statement summarizing for a specific time frame, economic transaction between residents of an economy and the rest of the world. Specifically, the balance of payment record the import and exports of goods, services and income and transfer as well as changes in a country’s liabilities to and claim (assets) on the rest of the world or non residents. Thus the balance of payment is a flow and not a stock concept and it involves more than payments. In other words, certain transaction which may not have been paid for in cash and kind are also recorded gifts in cash and kind, deferment of debt service payment due, as well as unmerited profit among others.
          The balance of payment is broadly structured into the current and capital accounts. The current account records transactions in goods, service and income as well as unrequited transfer which the capital account (excluding reserve movement) refers to changes in financial assets and liabilities specifically, the capital account records transactions in direct and portfolio investment, external loan drawing and amortization changes in shirt term capital including the net change in commercial and merchant banks assets and liabilities as well as errors and omissions. It also records reserve movement, which refers to transaction relating to central bank holding of gold, special drawing right (SDR) foreign exchange and use of fund credit.

          The data analysis in chapter four is in line with appropriate expectation and also in consensus with the reviewed literature, it show that there is a relationship between exchange rate and Nigeria’s balance of payments and that is an issue independence. It should be mentioned that a lot of the seed of payment problem and that of exchange rate were some by colonial masters which came with the objective or exploiting the country and the over and under earnings and the values of imports.
          For this reason therefore, it is clear that factors which have contributed to the weakness of balance of payments includes, the poor performance of non-oil exports fluctuation in crude oil prices, lack of meaningful participation by Nigeria’s in the provision of international service related to shipping, insurance and tourism as well as the low level of income from direct investment aboard by Nigerians. Others include low level of loan disbursement leading to net transfer of resource aboard and the high debt service payments. However, these factors include lack of adequate strategy for managing crude oil shock, hostile international economic environment, lack of progress in restructuring Nigeria a long term basis, slippages in monetary and fiscal policy implementation, high and volume of imports due to the high demand for foreign goods. All these have effect on the balance of payment position.
Since 1982, when the second oil shock and shock ans debit burden became seriously pronounced the Nigeria’s balance of payment have been under persistent pressure, attempt towards managing balance of payment involving restrictive exchange rate practice failed to achieve the objective of policy. The liberalization of exchange controls and the instruction of a market bases exchange mechanism with the commencement of the structural adjustment programmed [SAP] temporarily stabilized international payment. However, slippages in policy, in particular the pressure on the external sector. Non-oil export that initially rose at the incitation of [SAP] declined after some time and remained low and this has affected the balance of payment position.
          This disparity in the size of oil export and non export in terms of relative comparism, the unfavorable domestic and international economic environment have constrained the achievement of balance and sustained economic growth that could foster balance of payment viability.
          However, if the foreign exchange rate policies are seriously implemented as well as the recommendation started earlier, then the Nigeria’s balance of payment will improve to sustain and revamp the economy from it’s present predicament.
The following recommendations are suggested to correct the worrisome mistake of the past and create positive and dynamically viable level of balance of payment a stable exchange rate.
1.         the unification of the official and autonomous exchange rate will reduce the distortion effect of such divergence and encourage non-oil export.
2. resolution of the external debt problem by way of restructuring the external debt so as to reduce the debt service payments to a level that will release resources for domestic use in the productive sectors of the economy. To achieve this objective, the need to conclude a medium term economic restructuring programmed with the international monetary fund [IMF] becomes very compelling.
3.                increase the non-oil export commodities.
4.                harmonization of monetary non-oil export and fiscal policies.
5.                protection of small scale industries
6.           encouraging the agricultural sector so as to increase agricultural export.

IGANIGA B.O (2000) The Structure Of The Nigeria Financial System First Edition Amfitop Ekpoma Books

For complete project work, please 07031335805 or email @
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Firstbank of Nigeria
Name: Shallom Odion Egbon


TITLE PAGE --------------------------------------------------------- i
CERTIFICATION  -------------------------------------------------- ii
DEDICATION  -------------------------------------------------------iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT -------------------------------------------iv
TABLE OF CONTENT ----------------------------------------------vi
ABSTRACT ------------------------------------------------------------ix

1.0   INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------1
1.1   BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY--------------------------------1
1.2   STATEMENT OF PROBLEM -------------------------------------3
1.3   AIMS AND OBJECTIVES -----------------------------------------3
1.4   SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY --------------------------------4
1.5   LIMITATION OF STUDY -----------------------------------------4
1.6   DEFINITION OF TERMS-------------------------------------------5

LITERATURE REVIEW -----------------------------------------------7
2.0   INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------7
2.1   NATURE OF DEMOGRAPHY -------------------------------------7
2.2   MORTALITY ANALYSIS  ------------------------------------------9
2.3   INFANT MORTALITY ----------------------------------------------12
2.4   CAUSES OF DEATH ------------------------------------------------15
2.5   THE LIFE TABLE -----------------------------------------------------17

3.0   RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ---------------------------------------20
3.1   SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION ---------------------------------20
3.2   CYCLICAL VARIATION ------------------------------------------------21
3.3   IRREGULAR VARIATION ---------------------------------------------22
3.4   SEASONAL VARIATION -----------------------------------------------32
3.5   TIME SERIES MODEL ---------------------------------------------------32
3.6   ISOLATING THE TREND -----------------------------------------------25
3.7   MOVING AVERAGE -----------------------------------------------------25

4.0   DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS--------------------------27
4.1   DATA ANALYSIS --------------------------------------------------------31
4.2   CHART ANALYSIS ------------------------------------------------------37

5.0 SUMMARY OF FINDING, CONCLUSION, AND ------------------43  RECOMMENDATION --------------------------------------------------------43
5.1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS ----------------------------------------------43
5.2 CONCLUSION ------------------------------------------------------------44
5.3 RECOMMENDATION ---------------------------------------------------44
      REFERENCE ---------------------------------------------------------------47


This project work is generally limited to infant whose death were recorded at the central hospital of Auchi, Etsako west local government area, Edo state. Mortality role of infants is the death of infants between the ages zeo to four years 0-4. There are other indirect ways of obtaining information on death (mortertality) rate. Demographic study of infant mortality rate is what this project work focuses on and the demographic study of infant mortality incudes CRUDE DEATH RATE (C.D.R) and AGE SPECTFIC DEATH RATE (A S D R) and the respective chart (Barchart/mulitiple chart) analysis.

1.0                                                                                            INTRODUCTION
1.1     Background Of The Study
          The idea of data collection on birth in Nigeria started in 1863 with the promulgation of ordinance No21 that made provision for the census in Lagos colony. The registration of this event however started in 1892 and it success triggers the expansion of the programme by the government in villages bordering the colony including wary in 1903 and calaba in 1904
          This project work is aimed at studying the time series on infant mortality rate in government owned hospital Auchi, Edo state from 2008/2011. This will enable us to know the trend of infant death whether it is on the increase or decrease Adequate and reliable compilation and measurement of mortality requires that the concepts of life and death be given formal and appropriate definition. The question ‘when does life begin and end’? Now probes our mind for statistical purpose. Three complimentary and mutually exclusive categories will be identified and studied. There are live birth, death and fated death.
          The number of deaths in a particular situation or period of time e.g. infant mortality rata, which is the numbers of babies that die at or just after birth.
          According to the united nations (UN) 1995, life birth is the complete extraction of a product of conception irrespective of period of pregnancy which after such separation, breath shows an evidence of life, such as breathing of the heart, possession of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut off (if the placenta  is still attached to each product of such birth) is considered as life born. The infant mortality is one of the most important indicators of human development. According to development report 1999, publication of the united nation development program ‘The infant mortality rate is defined as the age of nor years times 1000’ in others words, that infant mortality is the numbers of infants per 1000 life birth that are expected to die before, the end of the first year of life.
          One of the advantages of using infant mortality as an indicator of human development is that it illuminates mush of what other traditional indicators such as per capital income and GNP seems to obscure.
          Basically, women need to take proper care medically during pregnancy and also a newborn infant needs adequate care after delivery. This is being done in hospitals and hearth care service  centers. Hence, the need to carry out analysis on   the rate of infant mortality becomes an enessentiality in Auchi central hospital.
          The statistical tool for analysis in this work is time series analysis. The knowledge obtained from past and present attainment of data will used to predict what will happen in the future to compare the rate of change of infant mortality rate
          Mush has been discussed about infant mortality rate some people have the belief that there is a relationship between birth and death while some others, are of the belief that these is no relationship existing between them. The study, however, is aimed at knowing the trend of infant mortality rate.
          The aims and objective of this study are as follow.
1.     To get a better understanding of the trend pattern of infant mortality rate and life birth in Auchi community
2.     To know it the rate of infant mortality in the central hospital, Auchi is on the increase or decrease.
3.     To help make appropriate recommendation based on the findings and analysis made.
4.     To test for relationship between mortality rate and life birth
          The significance of the project is to educate women on the need to take this antedated check up regularly and sequentially, so as to receive professional advise on how well to stay healthy and prevent any form of loss of baby and such occasions incidental there off.
          Some constraints were faced or encountered by the researchers during the cause of caring out his research. Financial needs to the study was a major factor e.g. cost of transportation to the field chosen as case  study was in undoubted on the high side. Time constraints was another major factor. Also, the respondent may sometimes not  available to provide answers to relevant question and this may either make the researcher wait for some time or make a revisit. Collecting reassembling the data another headache too. Although, the management was friendly, still it was not easy coping with some of them.

I. Post-Natal Death: This is the death that occurs to children at four weeks through fifty one weeks of ages, or one month through eleven months of age.
ii. Fatal Death: This refers to the number of death that occurs among the population of a given geographical area during a given period per 1000 of the total birth (life birth plus fatal death). It is also prior to complete expulsion or extraction of foetus from its mother (a product of conception) irrespective of the duration during the pregnancy.
iii. Birth Rate: This is the number of birth per thousand of the population for a given year. It is normally crude (undefined), because it summarizes all the relevant of time series data is for the prediction of future phenomena that may/are likely to occur if certain condition are not met.

        There are four major components viz
i.    Secular trend
ii.   Cyclical variation
iii.  Seasonal variation
iv.  Irregular variation

          In this nature, a researcher is bound to look out for necessary and available reading materials .in searching for literature on the subject topic infant mortality rate, the researcher found that library shelves and some relevant offices are gradually increasing stock of comments accounts and reports on t his important issues. The researcher is therefore  prompted to review some of the existing literature in orders to add colour and beauty to the research topic.
          Demography, according to the oxford advanced learners Dictionary ‘is the scientific study of the changes in numbers of birth disease, death etc. in a community over a period of time’ demography is a science of population. It has been defined as the natural and social history of the human species or the mathematical knowledge of population of this general changes and their physical, civil, intellectual and moral conditions.
          According to Dudley kirk (1942) the word demography was apparently first used by Achilles Galiard in clement Destatigue Human, demographic compare in1853 its great origins are Demos (people) and Grappling (to draw osr describe). This hence, talked about people or population and how they are being represented or described. With this, Disk arrived at a definition of demography as the ‘quantitative study of human population’
          The narrow sense is that of formal demography which is concerned with size, distribution structure and changes of the population. The size is the total number of persons constituting the population. Distribution relates to the arrangement of the population. In space at a given time i.e. geographically. Structure relates to the distribution of the population among its sex and age grouping. change refers to growth or decline of total population or one of it structural units. The components of change in the total population are birth, death and migration. Migration includes both emigration and immigration. While in the broader sense demography includes additional characteristics of the unit i.e. ethnic social and economic characteristic. Demography basic materials are censuses vital statistics and increasing sample survey. 

The term infant mortality rate has been defined as the death rate during the first year of life. It is the death of infant between the Age Zero to Four Years (1-4) Years per thousand population.
The rate of infant death below 10-100 is considered as low rate while rate ranging between 100-200 per thousand population is considered as medium. And infant death rate above 200 per thousand population is considered very high rate.
In this research work, it was shown that the average crude death rate of infants for a period of four years was 7.76 which is approximately 8 infant per thousand of the population and the rate is low. The Age specific death rate (A.S.D.R) for the four years for age  <1 12="" 14.11="" 14="" 2008="" 7.76="" 8="" age="" approximately="" average.="" average="" c.d.r="" crude="" death="" for="" four="" highest="" infant="" is="" nbsp="" o:p="" of="" on="" per="" population="" rate="" specific="" the="" thousand.="" thousand="" was="" which="" while="" with="" year="" years="">

From the result obtained in this research, it could be deduced that the infant mortality rate is moderate because it falls between the range 10-100 infant per thousand. Although the rate of infant mortality was 4 per thousand in 2010. This indicates that drastic measures were employed by the Auchi Central Hospital totally reduce the infant mortality rate record of 2009 in 2010. This shows that there was an efficient and effective health case services in 2010 compared to the previous year. 

For complete project work, please 07031335805 or email @
For Purchase, please use ourtbank services 
Firstbank of Nigeria
Name: Shallom Odion Egbon


Cover page                                                                                      i
Certification                                                                                    ii
Dedication                                                                                       iii
Acknowledgement                                                                          iv
Table of content                                                                              v
Abstract                                                                                           vii
1.1    Background of the study
1.2    Statement of problem
1.3    Research question
1.4    Research hypothesis
1.5    Purpose of the study
1.6    Scope of the study
1.7    Significance of the study
1.8    Limitation of the study
1.9    Definition of terms
          Literature review
2.1    Introduction to the study
2.2    The concept of stress
2.3    Causes of stress
2.4    Effects of stress on worker
2.5    Management of stress
3.1    Research Design
3.2    Population of the study
3.3    Sample and Sampling Technique
3.4    Design synthesis
3.5    Instrumentation / Material
3.6    Method of collection / Analysis
4.1    Presentation of Data 
4.2    Analysis of data
4.3    Interpretation of data
4.4    Discussion
Summary of Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations and Suggestions for further research
4.1    Summary of finding
4.2    Conclusion        
4.3    Recommendations


This study examines the cause of stress amongst bank workers in First bank (Nig) l.t.d. it is the contention of this study that stress is an inevitable phenomenon in the life of any modern organization.
Stress can have overall performance of the organization. It is as a result of this that organization must ensure that stress s well managed by providing different means of coping with it. In this study such factors like dissatisfaction with the boss leadership style, the nature of the work done by the workers, the group a worker with the level of confidence of the worker and the general working atmosphere are found to be positively related to stress propensity. Based on this, such recommendations like sending managers and supervisors on courses on human relations, providing a congenial working atmosphere and enriching the job done by the workers are made. The research concludes will drastically help to reduce the possibilities of stress in organization.

The impact of stress on people has its roots n medicine and specifically, the pioneering work of style that is often regarded as the father of stress. In his research for a new sex hormone, he serendipitously discovered that tissue damage s a non-noxious stimuli. seiye (1950) , called this phenomenon the general  adaptation syndrome (gas) and a decade later he introduced the form stress in his writings.
    Everybody has it, everybody talks about it, yet few people have taken the trouble to find out what stress really is. Nowadays, we hear of great deal at social gatherings about the stress of executives’ life, retirement, exercise, family problems, pollution, air traffic control or death of a relative. But how many of these defending their strong conditions about these matter with heated arguments have bothered to learn the scientific meaning of stress and the mechanism of its workings?
    Most people never wondered whether there is a difference between stress and distress. The word “stress” like “success” “failure”, “happiness”, means different things to different people so that managing it is extremely difficult, although it has become part of our daily vocabulary. Is stress merely a synonym for distress? S effort, fatigue, pain, fair, the need for concentration. Limitation of censure, the loss of blood or even an unexpected great success which requires complete reformation in one’s entire life.
    The answer is yes and no that is, what makes management of stress so difficult. Every one of these conditions produces stress, but none of them can be signed out as being “it” since the word applied equally to all others. If we want to use the laboratory as to what it has taught us about stress in formulating our own philosophy of life if we want to avoid bad effect and yet be able to enjoy the pleasure accomplishments, we have to learn more about the nature and mechanism of stress.
1.1                STATEMENT OF PROBLEM
Organizations are established to achieve certain objectives. For the organizations to be able to achieve ts objectives, people are put in optimal performance that the organizational goals will be achieved.
                  One of the factors that can prevent an organization from achieving its objectives is stress. This is because stress among workers can make them not to put in their best performance in the organization and such a situation can adversely affect the overall performance of this, that the study examined the cause of stress among bank workers, with a focus on First bank plc, sapele, sapele local government , Delta state.
1.2             OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
The study hopes to achieve the following objectives:
a)  To look at the nature and patterns of stress in banks.
b) To look at the causes of stress among banks workers.
c)   To look at effects of stress on bank workers
d) To identify the various ways stress can be managed in organization
e)  To improve people understanding of stress as a phenomenon n modern organizations.
The significant of this study is in two folds; the practical significance and the theoretical significance.
     To aid the researcher in the course of the study, the following hypotheses are postulated.
Ho:   Stress is not a major cause of employee turnover
Hi:    Stress is a major cause of employee turnover
1.1             DEFINITION OF TERMS
For ease of understanding and use of some of the technical related terms use in this study, the following definitions have being given:
a) Stress
Stress is an infective an unhealthy reaction to change. Stress describes a force, which affects human beings physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It is a set of circumstances under which individual cannot respond adequately to an environmental stimuli. Stress involves a stress or a stress response.
Management of stress has been very topical in all human endeavors. Researchers have tremendously contribute to the existing literature in the various debate, workshops, campaign with a view to understanding the concept it causes management e.t.c. for this researcher has selectively reviewed related areas to this study.
               The Longman Dictionary defined stress as: Continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life that prevent you from relaxing”
                Stress is also defined as a set circumstances under an individual cannot respond adequately or instrumentally due to environmental stimuli or can so respond only at the cost excessive wear and tear on the organization. For example, chronic fatigue, tension, worry, physical damage, nervous breakdown or loss of self – esteem. Stress is therefore a rational concept, since it involve factors in the environments are stressful for all or most person; and some persons are highly susceptible to stress in almost any environment. But those extremes. It is the particular matchup between certain characteristics of the environment and certain in individuals or certain individual attributes that produces stress.
          Beachor and Newman (1978) see job stress as a condition arising interaction of people and force them to deviate from their normal functioning.
          It is as a result of this that Wencerich and Matteson (1980) defined stress simply as the interaction of organism with the environment they accordingly gave a more detailed working definition of stress as “an adaptive response, mediate by individual characteristics and/or psychological process that is a consequence of any external, situation or event that place physical and/or psychological demands upon a person”
          From the forgoing discussions, the research is of the view that stress is boredom and fatigues arising from the engagement of an individual in a particular job. It arises due to lack of rest, recreation or job satisfaction.
Hans Selye, the Canadian endocrinologist and psychologist, has since the mid 1930’s given the concept a wide currency through an extensive series of papers and books ( C.F Selye, 1950 1951-56, 1969). He describes his work as an extension of the Bemard cannon concepts of adoption and homeostasis and sees stress as the state of the organism, the following failure of the normal homeostatic regulatory mechanisms of adaptation. Stress is manifested through the symptoms of a general adaptation syndrome includes (G.A.S), a name chosen deliberating to emphasize the ink.
The general adaptation syndrome includes three stages, the first of which is the alarm reaction. This represents a temporary impairment of physiological functioning, often manifested by headaches, fever, fever, or other symptoms. In this stage, the defenses of the body are allied and consolidated. In the second stage, if stress continues above certain level, the stress, in the third and final stage – exhaustion or collapse or even death.
b) Satisfaction
This is that contentment a worker drives from doing a particular job. Subjectively, satisfaction is the joy, which the workers derive from a given situation. Objectively, it can be measured in terms of the differences between what the employees expect from the service rendered and what he actually receives.
          A significant level of 5% is often chosen in hypothesis testing because it shows a minimal probability of committing type-one-error that is reflecting null hypothesis.
          The Chi-square value can be found in the table of Chi-square distribution as soon as the appropriate degree of freedom for this is found.
          Question 1 of the personal interview was used in the testing of hypothesis to know the level of stress among bank workers.
1        Is there any stress among the bank workers?
          Yes or No response was expected

Table 1

No. of Response
% of Response

Source: Field Survey 1998
               The above show that 50(100%) agreed that there is stress among bank workers
Null Hypothesis (Ho)
      That there is no stress among the bank workers.
Alternative Hypothesis (Hi)
      That there is stress among the bank workers.
Decision: Accept Hi (Alternative Hypothesis)

From the analysis of data in the study, the findings of this study are summarized as stated below
i.       There is a positive relationship between the nature of the work a worker does in the organization and the propensity to stress. Thus if the job is too demanding on the other hand, if the job is low a worker’s capacity, he may develop stress.
ii.     There is a positive relationship between workers dissatisfaction with boss leadership style and propensity to stress. That is, if the workers are dissatisfied with the leadership style of their boss, such dissatisfaction can be stress producing in the working place.
iii.     There is a positive relationship between the group a worker works with and the propensity to cohesive group will be less prone to stress than the worker working in a lowly cohesive group.
For complete project work, please 07031335805 or email @
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Firstbank of Nigeria
Name: Shallom Odion Egbon